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    題名: 軍隊績效管理制度對組織變革之影響 : 以空軍為例
    其他題名: The impact of military personnel performance evaluation systems on organizational change : a case in the Air force
    作者: 林書弘;Lin, Su-Hung
    貢獻者: 淡江大學管理科學學系企業經營碩士在職專班
    關鍵詞: 組織變革;組織承諾;工作士氣;績效管理;Organizational Change;Organizational Commitment;Morale;Performance Management
    日期: 2015
    上傳時間: 2016-01-22 14:53:22 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著時代潮流,全球人口結構改變,社會趨向少子化,人力資源已是國家與企業最重要的競爭力所在。而國防部則需依兩岸關係發展與國際情勢調整國防組織,不斷依據敵情威脅變化及軍事戰略構想,檢討與調整國防結構,進行國軍人力縮減與部隊編組型態的調整,因而接連實施了精實案、精進案及精粹案等分階段專案,國軍單位因彼此關係緊密,又與國家安全相關,因此每推動一項政策或是執行每一項行動,都是牽一髮而動全身,但在國軍組織不斷精簡與改革的情形下,志願役國軍人員面臨組織變革會否抱持不同因應態度,而目前改革持續進行,人員對組織變革所持態度會否影響其工作士氣及留營意願,如何使有高素質的人才發揮所長,才能有效提升國軍武器、裝備操作與任務更有效執行,達到最高的組織效能,不斷推動人事、組織精簡,在許多方面的規劃尚未完成,使得過渡時期中志願役留任率偏低,本研究以工作士氣、組織承諾及績效管理作為概念性架構,試圖了解志願役國軍人員在組織變革期間如何降低對於組織變革的抗拒及增加留任意願,進而減少心理上的不安的因素。
    The most important competitive power for a nation or an enterprise comes from human resource under the era of population reconstruction and decreasing birth-rate. The Ministry of Defense must adjust its organizational structure based on the development of cross-strait relationships and international conditions. MOD will have to continuously review and re-organize its defense structure according to enemy’s conditions and strategic movements. One of MOD’s strategic tactics is to cut down the size of the force and re-adjust the military organizations. It has sequentially implemented exactness programs, improvement programs and elite programs. Since various military organizations are mutually inter-dependent and closely related to national security, every strategy or tactic implemented would affect the whole military force. Under the situation of continuous shrinking and re-organization, professional soldiers might hold different attitudes toward organizational change. For now, the reorganization has been continuously implemented. Will it affect the morale of professional soldiers and their willingness to stay in the military force. Only finding ways to keep high-capability personnel in the military force and let them do their best would the military performance be effectively improved. The reorganization has not completed yet. The willingness of professional soldiers to stay in the military is already low. This study tries to explore how to drive down professional soldiers’ resistance to change and drive up their willingness to stay in the military through the relationship among morale, organizational commitment and performance evaluation systems.
    This study disseminated 250 questionnaires. There are 232 usable responses with a response rate of 92%. Results of the study are:
    1. The approval of performance evaluation systems is positively related to morale.
    2. Organizational commitment is a moderator for the relationship between the approval of performance evaluations systems and morale.
    3. The relationship between morale and the approval of organizational change is insignificant.
    4. The approval of performance evaluation systems is positively related to the approval of organizational change.
    顯示於類別:[管理科學學系暨研究所] 學位論文


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