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    題名: A study of EFL reading via differentiated instruction in a technological university
    其他題名: 差異性教學對科技大學學生閱讀理解力的研究
    作者: 梁玲玲;Liang, Ling-Ling
    貢獻者: 淡江大學英文學系博士班
    黃月貴;Huang, Yueh-Kuey
    關鍵詞: 差異化教學;閱讀理解力;分級活動;彈性分組;differentiated instruction;Reading Comprehension;tiered activities;flexible grouping
    日期: 2015
    上傳時間: 2016-01-22 14:39:08 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 由於不同能力、興趣和學習方法的學生分布在現今的課堂裡,如何滿足所有學習者的需求,差異化教學被認為是可以解決這個問題的有效教學。本研究旨在探討差異化教學對科技大學大一學生英文閱讀理解力與英文學習之影響以及大一學生對差異化教學的看法。研究對象為73位非英語系的大一學生,37位為實驗組,以分級教學活動與彈性分組實施差異化教學,另外36位為控制組,實施一般傳統教學活動。實驗教學前、後施以全民英檢初級閱讀測驗,並以教師日誌、學生訪談、分級活動作品作為質性資料。資料以獨立樣本t檢定與質性分析進行。結果顯示在閱讀理解測驗上,實驗組學生表現優於控制組學生,且達顯著差異;質性分析顯示學生對差異化教學多持肯定評價,並喜歡自由選擇權,選擇適合自己的活動與夥伴,可以提升他們的學習動機進而更加努力,增強自我的信心。差異化教學也對英文學習有幫助,促使英文進步,英文單字的認識也增多了。差異化教學也增加學生社交技巧與能力。研究者根據研究結果提出教學建議,科技大學或技術學院教師教授高中低程度學生時,可採納差異化教學來幫助學生學習英文並加強學生的學習動機與英語能力,亦可作為教學者及未來研究者之參考。
    This mixed-method study aimed to explore the effect of differentiated instruction on students’ reading comprehension, their perceptions of learning English through differentiated instruction, and an individual’s English learning. This was prompted by the fact that today’s classroom was full of student diversity and differentiated instruction was regarded as an effective instructional approach to meet the needs of diverse students. The participants of this study were seventy-three non-English major students from a technological university in northern Taiwan. Thirty-seven students were in a treatment group receiving differentiated instruction through tiered activities with flexible grouping while thirty-six students were in a control group receiving the traditional instruction. Before and after the treatment, the participants took a mock elementary level GEPT reading test. Interviews with students, a teaching log, and tiered activities were collected as the qualitative data. The statistical analysis of independent-samples t test has revealed that there was a significant difference between the treatment group and control group. This means that students receiving differentiated instruction had better English reading comprehension than those receiving the traditional instruction. The results of qualitative data have reported that students showed positive attitude toward differentiated instruction. They liked to have choice of the tiered activities and grouping. They also showed more motivation, efforts, and self-confidence. Differentiated instruction also had a positive impact on their learning. They made some progress in their English such as recognizing more words. Differentiated instruction was also helpful to foster students’ social skills by working together. The pedagogical implications for teachers at technological universities or institutions in Taiwan and the limitations of this study were also provided.
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