國外對於宗教旅遊(religious tourism)的研究已行之多年,在旅遊與社會領域已逐步發展為一項為重要的討論議題,然而主要多半著墨於基督教與伊斯蘭教關於朝聖地的影響或僅以統計資料來分析主要朝聖者的來源,對於朝聖者旅館(pilgrim house)在觀光旅遊中所發揮的功能性與服務價值性,迄今仍少有討論;為了彌補台灣民間信仰在此一領域上的空白,並擴大研究層面,本研究計畫將透過實地問卷訪談方式,針對於台灣民間信仰廟宇所附設之香客大樓的投宿旅客做一清晰的分類,並得知對於香客大樓的服務價值其確切態度。預期結果將有助於提升我國在此項議題上的國際能見度,並能夠推論出值得關注的管理意涵,供相關學者以及民俗宗教觀光發展領域業界做為參考之用。 Religious-oriented tourist has become an imperative trend in modern tourism, the existing literature, however, has not discussed deeply the intentions and motivations of accommodation selection, in particular, the religious organization affiliated pilgrim house. This research plan, therefore, is expected to provide a new research direction involving the pilgrim house playing an essential role as more than mere pilgrim accommodation in Taiwan. The survey is proposed to employ historical temple subsidiary pilgrim houses of the sample units, and participated in person. A survey will designed to address the primary identity and service value perceptions of lodgers. The expected implications of the empirical findings provide suggestions and practical applications for the tourism stakeholder and for future research.