本計畫想要建構一個人口成長和經濟成長內生化的模型,討論人口與經濟成長間的關係。不管是橫剖面或時間序列的資料,皆顯示人口與經濟成長間呈現負向關係。在內生成長模型裡加入內生的生育行為,並無法解釋為何人口與經濟成長間呈現反向關係,如Yip and Zhang (1997)。因此本計畫嘗試將此模型延伸,修改小孩養育成本的設定及加入勞動供給的選擇行為,討論在怎樣的模型設定及參數條件下,可解釋此實證關係,並進一步討論這些條件的合理性。 We expand the channels of child-rearing cost and introduce endogenous labor supply to the model of Yip and Zhang (1997) to investigate the relationship between population and economic growth. Many empirical papers show that this relationship is negative but none of economic papers can use a theoretical model to explain it. This proposal tries to find what kind of conditions under the model is consistent with this relationship.