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    題名: 具室內地點特徵資訊分享功能之個人任務提醒工具實作
    其他題名: A location-based reminder with shareable indoor location fingerprinting
    作者: 盧偉華;Lu, Wei-Hua
    貢獻者: 淡江大學資訊工程學系資訊網路與通訊碩士班
    林其誼;Lin, Chi-Yi
    關鍵詞: 適地性服務;GPS;Wi-Fi;RSSI;location-based Services
    日期: 2014
    上傳時間: 2015-05-04 09:58:20 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 在現今繁忙的社會中,多數人們日常生活當中必須安排的行程與瑣事也隨之增多。面對林林總總的待辦事項,人們通常仰賴電子行事曆來加以記錄,並搭配鬧鈴來提醒自己於特定時間完成這些事項。但是在許多情況下,這種以「時間」為基礎的任務提醒功能無法滿足使用者的需求。因此,我們開發了一套適用於Android平台的個人任務提醒工具,它利用行動裝置內建的GPS接收器及Wi-Fi無線網路介面來偵測使用者的所在「地點」,讓使用者能依任務執行地點來設置待辦事項,並於使用者抵達該地點時進行任務提醒。雖然目前已有此類功能的Android工具程式可供下載使用,我們所設計的這套工具程式獨特之處在於不但能夠準確地在「室內地點」觸發任務提醒,並且能將使用者所掃描獲得的「室內地點特徵資訊」分享給其他未曾親自到過這些室內地點的使用者,讓此類型工具程式更具實用價值。
    In recent years, the tempo of life in modern cities becomes faster and faster. Most people are overwhelmed by a great number tasks on the to-do lists, waiting to be done one by one. To remind themselves of the tasks, many people rely on the notification alarms which are set in the electronic calendars on their PCs or cellphones. However, these time-based reminders may not always feasible, if the time of the upcoming task cannot be determined in advance. Therefore, the idea of location-based reminders emerged. In this research, we implemented a location-based reminder on Android smartphones. Compared with the existing location-based reminders, our work focuses on increasing the usability of the reminder applications in the indoor environments. Specifically, if the Wi-Fi signal is used as the indoor location fingerprinting, the reminder application cannot work unless the indoor location fingerprinting of a specific spot is already in the database. Traditionally, the user has to be physically located at the spot in order to acquire the indoor location fingerprinting. To make the indoor location fingerprinting more widely available, in our implementation the fingerprinting information can be shared. That is, with the shareable location fingerprinting, users can search the database and then download the desired location fingerprinting to their smartphones, which makes the location-based reminder more usable.
    顯示於類別:[資訊工程學系暨研究所] 學位論文


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