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    题名: 我國政風人員角色之研究 : 以臺北市政府為例
    其它题名: The roles of government ethics officials : a case of Taipei City Government
    作者: 丁國耀;Ding, Kuo-Yao
    贡献者: 淡江大學公共行政學系公共政策碩士在職專班
    关键词: 政風人員;角色;行政透明;行政倫理;Government ethics officials;Role;administrative transparency;administrative ethics
    日期: 2014
    上传时间: 2015-05-04 09:53:35 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 在國際競爭日益劇烈的今天,「廉政」已成為世界各國展現國家競爭力的重要面向與指標,亦是全球施政革新之趨勢,而「反貪腐」便成為當前國家治理及建設的當務之急。易言之,反貪腐是建立廉政制度的首要步驟。若政府無視於反貪腐之必要性,可能縱容官箴敗壞、造成政府體制弊病叢生、社會風氣敗壞,將使得人民對政府失去信心。我國政風機構職司機關廉政工作,政風人員依法辦理政風業務,本研究透過文獻探討、問卷調查,深入探討政風人員之角色、功能及定位,政風人員對機關組織的影響,機關員工對政風人員角色的觀感與角色期望。
    In the present day, when international competition is growing increasingly intense, “clean government” has become one of the most important indicators by which countries around the world demonstrate their national competitiveness, and there is a pronounced global trend towards implementing administrative reforms to achieve clean government. “Anti-corruption” efforts have become a priority task for national governance, and can be seen as the first step towards achieving clean government. If a national government ignores the vital importance of anti-corruption efforts, then this may lead to widespread official corruption, the emergence of various types of abuses within the system of government, and deterioration in the moral fabric of society as a whole, causing ordinary citizens to lose faith in the government. Taiwan’s government ethics offices are responsible for ensuring the maintenance of clean government within Taiwan; government ethics officials carry out government ethics work in accordance with the requirements of the law. The present study uses a review of the literature and a questionnaire survey to attempt an in-depth exploration of the role, functions and positioning of government ethics officials, the impact of government ethics officials on the organizational structure of government agencies, and the views and expectations held regarding government ethics officials by the personnel of government agencies.
    In the present study, a questionnaire survey regarding attitudes to and perceptions of, and expectations of, the role played by government ethics officials was distributed to Section Chiefs and Subsection Chiefs working in those departments of Taipei City Government that have a government ethics office attached to them. A total of 1,055 questionnaires were sent out, and 818 were returned, giving a return rate of 77.53%. Of the returned questionnaires, 80 were invalid, leaving 738 valid returned questionnaires. The analysis results are outlined below:
    1.Disparities in attitudes to and perceptions of the role played by government ethics officials based on respondent background:
    (1)There were significant disparities in the attitudes to and perceptions of the role played by government ethics officials between respondents of different ages, with differing years of service, holding different positions, and assigned to different departments.
    (2)There were no significant disparities in the attitudes to and perceptions of the role played by government ethics officials between respondents of different gender and with differing education levels.
    2.Disparities in expectations held of the role played by government ethics officials based on respondent background:
    (1)There were significant disparities in the expectations held of the role played by government ethics officials between respondents of different ages, with differing years of service, and assigned to different departments.
    (2)There were no significant disparities in the expectations held of the role played by government ethics officials of different gender, with differing education levels, and holding different positions.
    3.A certain degree of correlation was seen between attitudes to and perceptions of the role played by government ethics officials, and expectations of the role played by government ethics officials, with a correlation coefficient of approximately 0.7.
    On the basis of the review of the literature, the questionnaire survey, and the results of statistical analysis, the following policy recommendations and methodological recommendations are put forward with regard to the conducting of government ethics work:
    1.Suggestions for the regulatory authorities:
    (1)The legislative preparations for the enactment of a “sunshine law” (open government law) should be completed, and the law put into effect.
    (2)Ethical education for government employees needs to be put on a firm footing, to provide a foundation for clean government.
    (3)Efforts should be made to strengthen administrative transparency and internal controls and auditing, to bring about an across-the-board enhancement of administrative performance.
    (4)Senior officials need to advocate for clean government, and set a good personal example.
    (5)Steps should be taken to ensure that ministers and other government officials in managerial roles fulfill their supervisory responsibilities.
    2.Suggestions for government ethics offices:
    (1)Government ethics work needs to be conducted in collaboration with society as a whole; efforts should be made to promote opposition to official corruption among the general public.
    (2)The main focus in government ethics work should be on preventing corruption and combating corruption, with efforts to stamp out corruption at the root playing an ancillary role.
    (3)There should be a clear positioning of the role played by government ethics officials, and a clear demarcation of responsibility.
    (4)It should be possible to flexibly adjust the manpower allocated to individual government ethics offices as needed.
    3.Suggestions for government ethics officials:
    (1)Government ethics officials should adhere to, and strive to intensify the application of, the fundamental principles of government ethics work: “creating incentives for ethical behavior, prevention of unethical behavior, and provision of service.”
    (2)Government ethics officials need to move with the times, working to strengthen their knowledge and their professional expertise.
    显示于类别:[公共行政學系暨研究所] 學位論文


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