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    題名: 美國曼哈頓計劃之籌備與執行
    其他題名: The preparation and execution of US' Manhattan project
    作者: 王宜甄;Wang, Yi-Chen
    貢獻者: 淡江大學美洲研究所碩士班
    陳一新;Chen, I-Hsin
    關鍵詞: 美國曼哈頓計劃;原子彈;第二次世界大戰;羅斯福;杜魯門;決策過程;Manhattan Project;Atomic Bombs;WWII;FDR;Harry Truman;decision-making process;Graham Allison
    日期: 2014
    上傳時間: 2015-05-01 13:31:40 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   1945年8月6日及9日,美國分別以原子彈攻擊日本廣島與長崎,導致日本政府在8月14日正式公開宣布投降,而新型武器──原子彈──前所未見的效力也因此被看作是結束第二次世界大戰的關鍵因素、並為戰後的國際關係帶來了深遠的影響。究竟,結束戰爭是否為美國政府對日投彈的主因?抑或有其他緣故?本論文的研究目的即是在探究美國政府在戰爭結束前夕,相關部會以及決策參與者對於使用原子彈的決策有何不同的考量。另外,為使美國原子彈政策作出更完整的呈現,本論文亦將研究分析推及至美國政府決心發展該武器之際,以期作出更接近全貌的連貫。
      本論文運用艾里遜與謝利高在1999年所修正的三種外交決策模式──美國政府之國家利益考量(理性行為者模式(Rational Actor Model))、組織系統之影響妥協(組織行為模式(Organizational Behavior Model))以及決策參與者之競爭議價(政府政治模式(Governmental Politics Model))──為主要理論基礎,來解讀美國政府在羅斯福時期發展原子彈計劃以及杜魯門時期投擲原子彈的決策產生過程及原因。
      On August 6th and 9th, 1945, the United States attacked the Empire of Japan with atomic bombs and thus forced the Japanese government to publicly accept unconditional surrender proposed by the allied forces. Because of this, the newly developed military weapon—atomic bomb—was therefore seen as the crucial factor that ended WWII, and greatly influenced the post-war world. Yet, to the U.S. government, was ending the war the one and only reason? Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to explore the consideration from different levels in the process of decision-making on using the atomic bombs against Japan. Other than that, this thesis also pushes the analysis back to the origin of the development of atomic research—a.k.a. Manhattan Project—to acquire a better understanding on the history of U.S. atomic policies.
      This thesis focuses on the decision-making process of U.S. atomic policies, both preparation and execution before and during the period of WWII. And by applying the three models, reversed by Graham Allison and Philip Zelikow in 1999, the analysis cuts in from three different angles—U.S. government (Rational Actor Mode, RAM), governmental organizations (Organizational Behavior Model, OBM) and high officials (Governmental Politics Model, GPM).
      Through RAM, this thesis confirms that the U.S. government started the atomic research out of the fear of the great technical ability and determination of Nazi Germany and chose to use the bombs at the end of the war as a means to follow the policy previously made, reduce the possible casualties and prevent the Soviet Union from entering the war. As for the Organization Behavior, in the period of atomic research, the involved organizations all worked together to achieve the sole goal—getting the weapon before Germany, while in the last few months of the war, several solutions were recommended, and later, the organizations reconciled and added the atomic bombs as an extra tactic to weaken Japan’s resistance and deter the Soviet Union from complicating the post-war order. Lastly, GPM analysis indicates that individual posed a great influence on the U.S. atomic policies. Most of the directions were planned by Franklin D. Roosevelt, with the help of his most close science adviser—Dr. Vannevar Bush—through unconventional channels, and thus the inexperienced successor, Harry Truman, was there to follow and execute the policy with the consensus of high governmental officials.
      To sum up, by using the three models of decision-making process, this thesis provides a different look to analyze the U.S. policy on Manhattan Project. Such policy started with the threat posed by Nazi Germany and ended with several others—proceeding the predecessor’s policy, ending the war with minimum casualties and deterring the emerging threat—the Soviet Union. While the former was rather mono-dominated, the later was more consensus-oriented.
    顯示於類別:[美洲研究所] 學位論文


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