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    Items for Author "Lee, M. H."  

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    Showing 184 items.

    Collection Date Title Authors Bitstream
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2010-12 無線視覺感測網路之k-邊界覆蓋技術 黃鈺涵; 蘇美慈; 蕭志堯; 李明憲; 張志勇
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2010-10 在不精準位置資訊之無線感測網路中覆蓋率之探討 黃鈺涵; 蘇美慈; 李垂昇; 李明憲; 張志勇
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2009-11-06 WiMAX 802.16j 寬頻無線網路滿足最小頻寬需求之 Relay 佈建技術 陳柏森; 李明憲; 張志勇; 鄭建富
    [化學學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2001 提昇私大研發能量專案-尖端材料研究的基礎建設(II) 陳幹男; 鄭建中; 林震安; 林清彬; 陳偉正; 林達鎔; 楊龍杰; 鄭廖平; 鄭振益; 李世元; 王文竹; 林志興; 吳俊弘; 王伯昌; 林孟山; 薛宏中; 唐建堯; 黃鶯聲; 徐秀福; 彭維鋒; 鄭伯昆; 余宣賦; 錢凡之; 林志彪; 高惠春; 張經霖; 李明憲; 康尚文; 林大欽
    [化學學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2002 提昇私大研發能量專案-尖端材料研究的基礎建設(III) 陳幹男; 楊龍杰; 吳俊弘; 李世元; 彭維鋒; 陳偉正; 鄭伯昆; 林清彬; 鄭建中; 錢凡之; 林達鎔; 張經霖; 唐建堯; 林孟山; 徐秀福; 林志興; 康尚文; 李明憲; 林志彪; 薛宏中; 鄭振益; 黃鶯聲; 王文竹; 高惠春; 王伯昌; 鄭廖平; 余宣賦; 林震安; 林大欽
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1987-01 半透光狹縫的繞射研究 陳偉正; 李明憲
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2011-09 真菌人文樹道之遠端手機互動與音樂串流設計與實作 謝嘉濬; 李明憲; 李俊志; 陳家文; 許素朱; 張志勇; 石貴平
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 專書之單篇 2012 電腦與網路 王姿琳; 李明憲; 秦御庭; 何怡蓉; 林志宇; 陳正昌; 呂昀融; 王子嘉; 張志勇
    [化學學系暨研究所] 專書 2005-09 廿一世紀全球化科技革命之衝擊 楊棨; 周子聰; 吳俊弘; 施增廉; 郭經華; 張志勇; 黃仁俊; 唐建堯; 康尚文; 楊龍杰; 李明憲
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 專書之單篇 2005-06-01 三大科技革命與時空宇宙 楊棨; 何俊麟; 周子聰; 唐建堯; 曾文哲; 郭經華; 蔡憶佳; 鄭建中; 李明憲; 吳俊弘; 曹慶堂
    [化學學系暨研究所] 專書 2002-09 三大科技革命和時空宇宙 楊棨; 何俊麟; 周子聰; 唐建堯; 曾文哲; 郭經華; 蔡憶佳; 鄭建中; 李明憲; 吳俊弘; 曹慶堂
    [化學學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2000 功能性高分子應用技術開發 林雲山; 陳幹男; 林達鎔; 林國賡; 謝銘鈞; 林志興; 宋博厚; 林孟山; 葉正濤; 鄭東文; 李明憲; 黃國楨; 楊台鴻; 張正良; 楊銘乾; 林清彬; 林東燦; 陳炤彰; 鄭廖平; 許應舉
    [化學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2000-08-01 Total Energy Calculations for Silane Dissociative Chemisorption onto Si(100) and Si(111) Surfaces 林志興; 郭于慈; 陳奇成; 李明憲
    [化學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2000-01-01 Density functional study of structural and electronic properties of silane adsorbed Si(100) surface 林志興; Lin, Jyh-shing; Chen, Cheng-ji; Lee, Ming-hsien; Lee, Kuo-hwa; Kuo, Yu-tzu
    [化學學系暨研究所] 會議論文 1998 First principle calculation of silane adsorption onto Si(100)-(2x1) surface 林志興; Lin, Jyh-shing; Chen, Cheng-ji; Kuo, Yu-tzu; Lee, Ming-hsien; Lee, Kuo-hwa
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2011 環境噪音音源辨識系統之建置 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2010 高k介電質/金屬閘極接面的第一原理物性分析與機制研究 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2009 材料之第二階非線性光學性質之理論計算方法發展 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2008 材料之第二階非線性光學性質之理論計算方法發展 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2008 Oxygen Transport Mechanism in High-k Metel Gate System 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2007 晶體與奈米材料的非線性光學性質及其在靜電場下誘發的變異(III) 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2006 晶體與奈米材料的非線性光學性質及其在靜電場下誘發的變異(II) 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2005 晶體與奈米材料的非線性光學性質及其在靜電場下誘發的變異(I) 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2005 Atomistic Simulations for Materials Studies 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2004-11 Enhancement of Second Order Susceptbility in Organic Molecular Material due to Crystallinity 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2004 奈米材料設計導向的第一原理非線性光學性質計算:結構與機制(III) 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2004 九十三年度奈米材料新奇物理和化學性質之理論研究(2/3) 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2004 「以當代資訊科技整合與提昇全國性基礎物理與天文教學計畫」分項計畫二「計算量子物理 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2003 奈米材料設計導向的第一原理非線性光學性質計算-結構與機制(II) 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2003 奈米材料新奇物理和化學性質之理論研究-子計畫IV:奈米材料新奇物理和化學性質之理論研究 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2002 奈米材料設計導向的第一原理非線性光學性質計算-結構與機制(I) 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2001 第一原理材料光學性質計算與分析—硼酸族晶體非線性光學之特性及機制(III) 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2000 第一原理光學材料的性質計算與分析-硼酸族晶體非線性光學之特性及機制 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2000 第一原理光學材料的性質計算與分析-硼酸族晶體非線性光學之特性及機制(II) 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1999 CASTEP程式新功能模組發展及應用計畫 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1999 功能性高分子應用技術開發-子計畫XVIII:含磷酸根環氧樹脂塗料對金屬表面黏著力之量子力學計算 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1999 功能性光學材料之量子力學計算 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1999 含磷酸根環養樹脂塗料對金屬表面黏著力之量子力學計算 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1998 過渡金屬表面物理與表面化學之第一原理電子結構及平行化的平面波膺勢之密度泛函計算及其最佳化研究(II) 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1998 功能性高分子應用技術開發-子計畫十八:含磷酸根環氧樹脂塗料對金屬表面黏著力之.. 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1997 平行化的平面波膺勢之密度泛函計算及其最佳化 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1997 過渡金屬表面物理與表面化學之第一原理電子結構研究 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 學位論文 1995 Advanced pseudopotentials for large scale electronic structure calculations with application to a study of weakly ordeered material-gamma-Al2O3 李明憲
    [土木工程學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2005-09 以碎形維度描述粗糙岩石裂隙流之扭曲流徑 李明憲; 楊長義; 莊文壽; 陳建伸
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 學位論文 2013 Relay deployment and scheduling approaches for improving network throughputs in WiMAX broadband networks 李明憲; Li, Ming-Hsien
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 學位論文 2008 An optimal scheduling algorithm for maximizing throughput in WiMAX mesh networks 李明憲; Li, Ming-hsien
    [建築學系暨研究所] 學位論文 2010 未竟之境 - 看不見的烏托邦 李明憲; Lee, Ming-hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 1995-04-01 Probing the material with a mathematical microscpoe- the quantum mechanical molecular dynamics simulation: its challenge and opportunities 李明憲; Lee, M. H.; Milman, V.; Payne, M. C.; Heine, V.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1997-02-14 Distribution of tetrahedral and octahedral A1 sites in gamma alumina 李明憲; Lee, M. H.; Cheng, C. F.; Heine, V.; Klinowski, J.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2000-07-01 Planewave pseudopotential calculations of various organic and inorganic NLO materials with band gap correction using core-corrected GDFT method 李明憲; Lee, M. H.; Chen, Guan-shyong; Chou, Jih-ping
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2009-11-06 在不精準位置資訊之無線感測網路中覆蓋率之探討 李垂昇; 李明憲; 張志勇; 鄭建富
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1997 顯微X光吸收光譜 彭維鋒; 鄭伯昆; 徐力行; 張經霖; 劉立基; 李明憲; 林志興
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2008-10 Path Guiding Mechanisms for Mobile Anchor Improving or Balancing Location Accuracies of Static Sensors in WSNs 張志勇; Chang, Chih-yung; Chang, Chih-Yung; Chang, Sheng-Wen; Chen, Yu-Chieh; Li, Ming-Hsien
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2008-11 IEEE 802.16j 多躍式中繼網路之網路規劃 張君鴻; 李明憲; 張兆村; 張志勇
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 專書之單篇 2011-09 次世代網路與通訊 呂昀融; 李明憲; 王子嘉; 王姿琳; 張志勇
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-05-28 Comparative Study on Surface Structure, Electronic Properties of Sulfide and Oxide Minerals: A First-Principles Perspective Zhang, Yibing; Chen, Jianhua; Zhao, Cuihua; Li, Yuqiong; Cui, Weiyong; Chen, Ye; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1999-07-20 A density functional theory study on the interaction between chemisorbed CO and S on Rh(111) Zhang, C. J.; Hu, P.; 李明憲; Lee, M. H.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2001-09-15 A density functional theory study of carbon monoxide oxidation on the Cu3Pt(111) alloy surface : Comparison with the reactions on Pt(111) and Cu(111) Zhang, C. J.; Baxter, R. J.; Hu, P.; Alavi, A.; 李明憲; Lee, M. H.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2020-08-11 First-Principles High-Throughput Screening Pipeline for Nonlinear Optical Materials: Application to Borates Zhang, Bingbing; Zhang, Xiaodong; Yu, Jin; Wang, Ying; Wu, Kui; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2014-06-07 p–(p,π*) interaction mechanism revealing and accordingly designed new member in deep-ultraviolet NLO borates LinMn−1B2n−1O4n−2 (M = Cs/Rb, n = 3, 4, 6) Zhang, Bingbing; Yang, Zhihua; Yang, Yun; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Pan, Shilie; Jin, Qun; Su, Xin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2015-01-22 Simulated pressure-induced blue-shift of phase-matching region and nonlinear optical mechanism for K3B6O10X (X=Cl, Br) Zhang, Bingbing; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Yang, Zhihua; Jing, Qun; Pan, Shilie; Zhang, Min; Wu, Hongping; Su, Xin; Li, Cheng-Shun
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2011-04-11 Influences of twist boundaries on optical effects: Ab initio studies of the deep ultraviolet nonlinear optical crystal KBe2BO3F2 Z. S. Lin; Lei Bai; Lijuan Liu; Lee, M. H.; J. Xu; Xiaoyang Wang; C. T. Chen
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2018-04-09 Multilevel moderation analysis of change perception on change commitment Yu, M. C.; Lee, M. H.
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2015-05-21 Unlocking the black box: exploring the link between perceive organizational support and resistance to change Yu, M. C.; Lee, M. H.
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2015-03-18 Managers' career development recognition in Taiwanese companies Yu, M. C.; Lee, M. H.
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2014-09 Career Management and Career Advancement in China—the Moderating and Mediating Effect of Mentoring Yu, M. C.; Lee, M. H.
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2014-08 A Study of Cross-Level between Change-Oriented Leadership and Affective Commitment: The Mediating Effects of Emotion Regulation. Yu, M. C.; Lee, M. H.
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2012-07 Managers' Career Management and Career Advanced in China—The Moderating Effect of Mentoring Yu, M. C.; Lee, M. H.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2020-10-07 Finding Optimal Mid-Infrared Nonlinear Optical Materials in Germanates by First-Principles High-Throughput Screening and Experimental Verification Yu, Jin; Zhang, Bingbing; Zhang, Xiaodong; Wang, Ying; Wu, Kui; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2012 Europium location in the AlN: Eu green phosphor prepared by a gas-reduction-nitridation route Yin, Liang-Jun; Zhu, Qiang-Qiang; Yu, Wei; Hao, Lu-Yuan; Xu, Xin; Hu, Feng-Chun; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2018-06 Insight into the evolution mechanism of carbon film and Eu valence in carbon coated BaMgAl10O17: Eu2+ phosphor annealed in air Yin, Liang-Jun; Xie, Wen-Jie; Wang, Meng; Tian, Wei; Zhang, Sheng-Hui; Liang, Ying-Lin; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Liu, Ming-zhen; Jian, Xian; Deng, Long-Jiang
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2020-01-30 One-Dimensional Double Chains in Sodium-Based Quaternary Chalcogenides Displaying Intriguing Red Emission and Large Optical Anisotropy Yang, Ya; Wu, Kui; Zhang, Bingbing; Wu, Xiaowen; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2020-01-21 Infrared Nonlinear Optical Polymorphs α- and β-SrCu2SnS4 Exhibiting Large Second Harmonic Generation Responses with Requisite Phase-Matching Behavior Yang, Ya; Wu, Kui; Zhang, Bingbing; Wu, Xiaowen; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-12-11 Theoretical investigation on the promotion of second harmonic generation from chalcopyrite family A(I)GaS(2) to A(II)Ga(2)S(4) Yalikun, Alimujiang; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Mamat, Mamatrishat
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2017-07 Water effect on band alignment of GaP: A theoretical insight into pyridinium catalyzed CO2 reduction Xue-Ting Fan; Mei Jia; Ming-Hsien Lee; Jun Cheng
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2015-02-21 Evidence of"new hot spots"from determining the nonlinear optical behavior of materials:mechanistic studies of the vanadium borate crystal,Na3VO2B6O11 Xin Su; Zhihua Yang; Ming-Hsien Lee; Shilie Pan; Ying Wang; Xiaoyun Fan; Zhenjun Huang; Bingbing Zhang
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2014-10-30 Development of nonlinear optical materials promoted by density functional theory simulations Xingxing Jiang; Lei Kang; Siyang Luo; Pifu Gong; Ming-Hsien Lee; Zheshuai Lin
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-10 Service innovation and mental health: The multilevel moderating role of group emotional contagion Xiao, Z. M.; Lee, M. H.; Wang, H. C.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1998-04-01 Pressure-induced change of the stereochemical activity of lone electron pair Winkler, Björn; Milman, Victor; Lee, Ming-hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1995-01-01 Ab initio total energy study of brucite, diaspore and hypothetical hydrous wadsleyite Winkler, B.; Milman, V.; Hennion, B.; Payne, M.C.; 李明憲; Lee, M.H.; Lin, J.S.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-02 BaV2O6‧H2O: A nonlinear optical crystal with a large bandgap Wenqiang Chen; Wenyao Zhang; Ming-Hsien Lee; Qun Jinga; Xuefang Lua; Zhaohui Chen
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-01-24 A New Cadmium-Based Pb2Cd3(PO4)(2)(P2O7) with Two Types of Isolated P-O Groups Wenqiang Chen; Qun Jing; Qiaoqiao Zhang; Ming-Hsien Lee; Xuefang Lu; Ping Wei; Zhaohui Chen
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2015-02-16 Role of Oxygen Vacancy on the Photoluminescence of BaMgSiO4:Eu Phosphors: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis Weiwei Ji; Ming-Hsien Lee; Luyuan Hao; Xin Xu; Simeon Agathopoulos; Dewen Zheng; Chaohe Fang
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2020-06-25 Effects of P2O7 clusters arrangement on second harmonic generation responses of pyrophosphates Wei, Ping; Chen, Wenqiang; Jing, Qun; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Chen, Zhaohui
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2012-08-01 First-principle Studies on Enhanced Optical Stability of BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ Phosphor by SiN Doping Wang, Yi-fei; Gao, Jing-kun; Lee, Ming-Hsien; He, Wei; Xu, Xin; Hao, Lu-yuan; Chen, Jun-hua
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2016-08-08 Work-family conflict on emotional exhaustion and performance. Wang, I. A.; Tsai, H. Y.; Lee, M. H.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2005-08-01 The mechanism of linear and nonlinear optical effects in fluoride crystals Tong, Yong-Zai; Meng, X.-Y.; Wang, Z.-Z.; Chen, Chuang-Tian; Lee, Ming-hsien; Chen, Chuang-Tian
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-12-03 Transformation of Optical Anisotropy Origins in Perovskite-Related Materials: A First-Principles Study Tong, Tinghao; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Zhang*, Jun
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2008-04 Influence of vacancy defect density on electrical properties of armchair single wall carbon nanotube Tien, Li-gan; Tsai, Chuen-horng; Li, Feng-yin; Lee, Ming-hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2005-12 Band-gap modification of defective carbon nanotubes under a transverse electric field Tien, Li-Gan; Tsai, Chuen-Horng; Li, Feng-Yin; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Li, Feng-Yin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2003-06-01 Density-Functional-Theory Calculation of Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes under an External Electric Field Tien, Li-gan; Liaw, Tsong-ming; Li, Feng-yin; Lin, Sheng-hsien; 李明憲; Lee, Ming-hsien; Clark, Stewart J.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2009-11 First Principles Calculations of Linear and Second-Order Optical Responses in Rhombohedrally Distorted Perovskite Ternary Halides, CsGeX3 (X = Cl, Br, and I) Tang, Li-Chuan; Chang, Yia-Chung; Huang, Jung-Yau; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Chang, Chen-Shiung; Chang, Chen-Shiung
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2003-08-22 Cation substitution effects on structural, electronic and optical properties of nonlinear optical AgGa(SxSe1-x)2 crystals Tang, L. C.; 李明憲; Lee, M. H.; Yang, C. H.; Huang, J. Y.; Chang, C. S.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2005-11-23 New infrared nonlinear optical crystal CsGeBr3 : Synthesis, structure and powder second-harmonic generation properties Tang, L. C.; Huang, J. Y.; Chang, C. S.; 李明憲; Lee, Ming-hsien; Liu, L. Q.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2013-11 Contribution of cations to the photoluminescence properties of Eu-doped barium oxonitridosilicates phosphors Tang, Jia-Ye; Gao, Jing-Kun; Chen, Jun-Hua; Hao, Lu-Yuan; Xu, Xin; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2008-11-01 First-principles analysis of optical absorption edge in pure and fluorine-doped SiO2 glass Tamura, Tomoyuki; Ishibashi, Shoji; Tanaka, Shingo; Kohyama, Masanori; 李明憲; Lee, Ming-hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2008-02 First-principles analysis of the optical properties of structural disorder in SiO2 glass Tamura, Tomoyuki; Ishibashi, Shoji; Tanaka, Shingo; Kohyama, Masanori; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2021-03 Photoelectric properties of Sr2MgSi2O7: Eu2+ phosphors produced by co-precipitation method Su-Hua Yang; Hwa-Yu Lee; Po-Chang Tseng; Ming-Hsien Lee
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2013-06-05 Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Bi2ZnOB2O6 Su, Xin; Wang, Ying; Yang, Zhi-hua; Huang, Xu-Chu; Pan, Shilie; Li, Feng; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Yang, Zhi-hua; Pan, Shilie
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-06-05 Hierarchy in nonlinear optical responses induced by metal cation tailoring effect in the In-containing chalcogenide compounds Shichao Cheng; Xueyan Zhang; Ming-Hsien Lee; Jun Zhang
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2020-09-21 Different mechanism of response of asymmetric lone pair electrons around ns2 cations to birefringence and second harmonic generation Shi, Xuerui; Jing, Qun; Chen, Zhaohui; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Duan, Haiming; Ding, Hanqin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1996-03-08 Understanding the ctalytic behavior of zeolites : A first-principles study of the adsorption of methanol Shan, Rajiv; Payne, M. C.; 李明憲; Lee, M. H.; Gale, Julian D.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-02 The linear and nonlinear optical response of CsGeX3 (X=Cl, Br, and I): The finite field and first-principles investigation Qiaoqiao Zhang; Hahaer Mushahali; Haiming Duan; Ming-Hsien Lee; Qun Jing
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2020-10-13 A3BBi(P2O7)2 (A = Rb, Cs; B = Pb, Ba): Isovalent Cation Substitution to Sustain Large Second-Harmonic Generation Responses Qi, Lu; Chen, Zhaohui; Shi, Xuerui; Zhang, Xiaodong; Jing, Qun; Li, Na; Jiang, Zhongqi; Zhang, Bingbing; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2020-09 A2BBi2(PO4)2(P2O7) (A = K, Rb, B = Pb, Cd): the Effect of Cation Sizes on Structural Evolution Qi, Lu; Chen, Zhaohui; Li, Lu; Jing, Qun; Li, Na; Jiang, Zhongqi; Dong, Xiaoyu; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [化學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2000-12 Structural Properties of Lanthanide and Actinide Compounds within the Plane Wave Pseudopotential Approach Pickard, Chris J.; Winkler, Bjorn; Chen, Roger K.; Payne, M. C.; Lee, M. H.; Lin, J. S.; White, J. A.; Milman, V.; Vanderbilt, David
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2021-02 K8Cd21Pb7(P2O7)16 and KCd2P3O10: Two new phosphates featuring special structure configurations Na Li; Lu Qi; Lu Li; Zhongqi Jiang; Jihong Fu; Ming-Hsien Lee; Zhaohui Chen
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1996-04-11 On the accuracy of the total energy pseudopotential scheme applied to small molecules Milman, V.; 李明憲; Lee, M. H.
    [化學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1993-05 Free energy and entropy of diffusion by ab initio molecular dynamics: Alkali ions in silicon Milman, V.; Payne, M. C.; Heine, V.; Needs, R. J.; Lin, J. S.; Lee, M. H.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 1994-12 Lagre scale atomic study of adsorption and surface diffusion Milman, V.; Jesson, D. E.; Pennycook, S. J.; Payne, M. C.; Stich, I.; Lee, M. H.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2003-06 Resolution of an Ancient Surface Science Anomaly: Work Function Change Induced by N Adsorption on W{100} Michaelides, A.; Hu, P.; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Alavi, A.; King, D.-A.; King, D.-A.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2011-08 Dependence of the electrical properties of defective single-walled carbon nanotubes on the vacancy density Luo, Yu-Pin; Tien, Li-Gan; Tsai, Chuen-Horng; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Li, Feng-Yin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2011-01-15 Effect of vacancy defect on electrical properties of chiral single-walled carbon nanotube under external electrical field Luo, Yu-pin; Tien, Li-gan; Tsai, Chuen-horng; Lee, Ming-hsien; Li, Feng-yin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2009-09 Characterization of Vacancy Defect Interaction on the Electric Properties of Zigzag Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Luo, Yu-Pin; Tien, Li-Gan; Tsai, Chuen-Horng; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Li, Feng-Yin; Li, Feng-Yin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2010-02 Influencing range of vacancy defects in zigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes Luo, Yu-Pin; Tien, Li-Gan; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Li, Feng-Yin; Li, Feng-Yin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2007-03-15 Surface structures of atomic hydrogen adsorbed on Cu(1 1 1) surface studied by density-functional-theory calculations Luo, M.-F.; Hu, G.-R.; Lee, Ming-hsien; Luo, M.-F.; Lee, Ming-hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2020-09-28 Two Pyrophosphates with Large Birefringences and Second-Harmonic Responses as Ultraviolet Nonlinear Optical Materials Lu, Xuefang; Chen, Zhaohui; Shi, Xuerui; Jing, Qun; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2003-09-22 Insight into association reactions on metal surfaces: Density-functional theory studies of hydrogenation reactions on Rh(111) Liu, Zhi-Pan; Hu, P.; 李明憲; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2014-07-25 Layered B-site cation ordering: A key factor in ferrimagnetism of Y2MnCrO6 Lin Hao; Lei Yang; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Lin, Tseh-Hsing; Zhang, ZhongFeng; Xie, XiangNan; Hong Zhu; Hong Zhu
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2004-12 Ab initio study of the hygroscopic properties of borate crystals Lin, Zhe-shuai; Xu, L.-F.; Li, R.-K.; Wang, Zhi-zhong; Chen, Chuang-tian; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Wang, E.-G.; Wang, Ding-Sheng
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2002-08-08 Mechanism for linear and nonlinear optical effects in SrBe3O4 crystal Lin, Zhe-Shuai; Wang, Zhiz-Hong; Yang, Hua-Tong; Chen, Chuang-Tian; 李明憲; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2003-01-10 Mechanism of linear and non-linear optical effects in KBe2BO3F2 (KBBF) Crystal Lin, Zhe-shuai; Wang, Zhiz-hong; Chen, Chuang-tien; 陳冠雄; Chen, Shyong K.; 李明憲; Lee, Ming-hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2003-02-01 Mechanism of linear and non-linear optical effects in KDP and urea crystals Lin, Zhes-huai; Wang, Zhiz-hong; Chen, Chuang-tien; Lee, Ming-hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2001-12 Mechanism for linear and nonlinear optical effects in monoclinic bismuth borate (BiB3O6) crystal Lin, Zhe-shuai; Wang, Zhi-zhong; Chen, Chuang-tian; 李明憲; Lee, Ming-hsie
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2004-11-21 The prospect of beryllium–oxygen group to search for new nonlinear optical crystals Lin, Zhe-shuai; Wang, Zhiz-hong; Chen, Chuang-tian; Wu, L. P.; 李明憲; Lee, Ming-hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2000-07 Mechanism for linear and nonlinear optical effects in LiB3O5, CsB3O5, and CsLiB6O10 crystals Lin, Zheshuai; Lin, Jiao; Wang, Zhizhong; Chen, Chuangtian; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2014-06-25 First-principles materials applications and design of nonlinear optical crystals Lin, Zheshuai; Jiang, Xingxing; Kang, Lei; Gong, Pifu; Luo, Siyang; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Lin, Zhe shuai
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2010-07 Eliminating ultraviolet optical absorption through Fe-impurity engineering: Ab initio study of the nonlinear optical crystal K2Al2B2O7 Lin, Z. S.; Xu, L. F.; Liu, Lijuan; Xu, J.; Lee, M. H.; Fang, Z.; Chen, C. T.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2001-06 Calculations for the linear and nonlinear optical coefficients of NaNO2 crystal Lin, Z. S.; Wang, Z. Z.; Chen, C. T.; 李明憲; Lee, M. H.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2003-06-15 Mechanism for linear and nonlinear optical effects in crystals of the Sr2Be2B2O7 family Lin, Z. S.; Wang, Z. Z.; Chen, C. T.; Chen, S. K. Y.; 李明憲; Lee, M. H.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1999-11 Mechanism for linear and nonlinear optical effects in β−BaB2O4 crystals Lin, Jiao; Lee, Ming-hsien; Liu, Zhi-ping; Chen, Chuangtian; Pickard, C. J.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2015-01-01 Modification of the coordination environment of Eu2+ in Sr2SiO4:Eu2+ phosphors to achieve full color emission Li-Cheng Ju; Xin Xu; Lu-Yuan Hao; Yue Lin; Ming-Hsien Lee
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2020-12 Synthesis of G-La2Si2O7:Eu2+ phosphors by addition of AlF3: Experimental and theoretical analysis Li, Zhan; Ji, Wei-Wei; Hao, Lu-Yuan; Yin, Liang-Jun; Xu, Xin; Agathopoulos, Simeon; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-01-29 Metal-cation substitutions induced the enhancement of second harmonic generation in A(8)BS(6) (A = Cu, and Ag; B = Si, Ge, and Sn) Le Gao; Ming-Hsien Lee; Jun Zhang
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2022-04-15 Exploring the Stability of Single-Atom Catalysts Using the Density Functional Theory-Based Global Optimization Method: H2 Formation on VOx/γ-Al2O3(100) Lee, Ming-hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2004-12 Band-resolved analysis of nonlinear optical properties of crystalline and molecular materials Lee, Ming-Hsien; Yang, Chou-Hsun; Jan, Jeng-Huei
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2014-12-15 Effects of intrinsic defects on electronic structure and optical properties of Ga-doped ZnO Lee, Ming-Hsien; Peng, Yen-Chun; Wu, Hsuan-Chung; Wu, Hsuan-Chung
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2013-02 Electronic band structures of Ge1−xSnx semiconductors: A first-principles density functional theory study Lee, Ming-Hsien; Liu, Po-Liang; Hong, Yung-An; Chou, Yen-Ting; Hong, Jia-Yang; Siao, Yu-Jin
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2014-06-23 A Study of Taiwanese Consumers' Perception of Online Trustmark. Lee, M. H.
    [化學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1984-03 幾種中草藥的抗癌成分和作用 Lee, M. H.; 李門輝; 陳發清; Chen, F. C.
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-03 Interaction between the knowledge sharing on innovation behavior based on the viewpoint of team diversity: empirical research from China Lee, M. H.; Yen, M. Y.; Perromat, L.
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2024-08-09 Perception of Sustainable Change Strategy and Resistance to Change: A Moderated Mediation Model Lee, M. H.; Wu, Y. S.
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2015-08-10 The Multilevel and Multi-source Analysis of Sustainable Human Resource Management, Goal Orientation and Career Advancement. Lee, M. H.; Wu, T. Z.
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2021-02-27 Multilevel Linking Service Innovation, Service Sweethearting, and Brand Association: The Moderating Role of Sustainable Human Resource Management Lee, M. H.; Wang, C.; Xiao, Z. M.; Wu, T. J.
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-02 The influence of supervisors' leadership skills and team cohesion on team performance in environmental service industry Lee, M. H.; Ko, K. M.
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2014-08-09 MNC’s Green Entrepreneurial Leadership and Greening Human Capital Management in China Lee, M. H.; Jaw, B. S.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2021-05 Different mechanism of stereochemical activity and birefringence in post-transition metal halides:A first-principles investigation Kui Wang; Qun Jing; Zhenzhen Wan; Ming-Hsien Lee; Haiming Duan; Haibin Cao; Jun Zhang
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-04-15 Experimental and DFT insights of the Zn-doping effects on the visible-light photocatalytic water splitting and dye decomposition over Zn-doped BiOBr photocatalysts Junqiu Guo; Xin Liao; Ming-Hsien Lee; Geoff Hyett; Chung-Che Huang; Daniel W. Hewak; Sakellaris Mailis; Wei Zhou; Zheng Jiang
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2020-01-24 Tellurium-oxygen group enhanced birefringence in tellurium phosphates: a first-principles investigation Jin, Pengyun; Shi, Xuerui; Cui, Xiuhua; Jiang, Yi; Jing, Qun; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Long, Mengqiu; Caod, Haibin; Ding*, Hanqin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2018-11 Cation substitution inducing gap changes and covalent interaction flexibility enhancing second harmonic generation responses in d(10) metal chalcogenides Jianian Cheng; Ming-Hsien Lee; Jun Zhang
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-10-08 [NH4]12[(MoO2)2O(HPO4)2]4[PO4]Cl·0.5H2O: A mixed phosphomolybdate with nonlinear optical properties Jiang, Zhongqi; Chen, Wenqiang; Jing, Qun; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Chen, Zhaohui
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2013-07-05 MNC's Greening Human Capital Management in China—integrative perspective of Resource-Based and Institutional Theory Jaw, B. S.; Wang, C. Y. P.; Lee, M. H.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2001-11-19 Ab initio study of the structural and optical properties of orthorhombic ternary nitride crystals Huang, Jung Y.; Tang, L. C.; 李明憲; Lee, M. H.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1995-11-17 Orbital mixing in CO chemisorption on transition metal surfaces Hu, P.; King, D. A.; 李明憲; Lee, Ming-hsein; Payne, M. C.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1997-11-15 Ab initio diffusional potential energy surface for CO chemisorption on Pd{110} at high coverage: Coupled translation and rotation Hu, P.; King, D. A.; Crampin, S.; 李明憲; Lee, Ming-hsien; Payne, M. C.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1995-06-15 Pressure-induced polymorphism in CuCl: An ab initio study Hseuh, H-C.; Maclean, J. R.; Guo, G. Y.; Lee, M-H.; Clark, S. J.; Ackland, G. J.; Crain, J.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2011 Ab initio studies on the mechanism for linear and nonlinear optical effects in YAl3(BO3)4 He, Ran; Lin, Z. S.; Lee, M. H.; Chen, C. T.; Lin, Z. S.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2019-02 Size effect and identified superior functional units enhancing second harmonic generation responses on the II-IV-V-2 type nonlinear optical crystals He, Guijie; Rozahun, Ilmira; Li, Zhi; Zhang, Jun; Lee, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1997-02-27 The GaAs(001)-(2x4) surface : structure, chemistry, and adsorbates Goringe, C. M.; Clark, L. J.; 李明憲; Lee, M. H.; Payne, M. C.; Stich, I.; White, J. A.; Gillan, M. J.; Sutton, A. P.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1997-01 Site symmetry dependence of repulsive interactions between chemisorbed oxygen atoms on Pt{100}-(1×1) Ge, Q.; Hu, P.; King, D. A.; 李明憲; Lee, M. H.; White, J. A.; Payne, M. C.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 1994-12 A computer simulation approach to procuring the parameters of the model hamiltonian for (CH)X Fu, Rouli; Lee, M. H.; Payne, M.; Heine, V.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1996-03 An ab initio approach to determining the parameters of the model hamiltonian H Fu, R.; Li, Ming-hsien; Payne, M. C.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1996-11 First-principles study of a tilt grain-boundary in rutile Dawson, I.; Bristowe, P. D.; Lee, M.-H.; Payne, M. C.; Segall, M. D.; White, J. A.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2000-10 Structural relaxation and longitudinal dipole moment of SrTiO3(001)(1×1) surfaces Cheng, C.; Kunc, K.; Lee, M. H.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2000-08 Strctural and electronic properties of the SrTiO3 surfaces Cheng, C.; Kunc, K.; Lee, M. H.; 李明憲
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2008-05 Au on (111) and (110) surfaces of CeO2: A density-functional theory study Chen, Ying; Hu, Pei-jun; Lee, Ming-hsien; Wang, Hai-feng; Hu, Pei-jun
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2021-05-24 A shift in oriental family business succession mindset: an exploratory approach Chen, Y. H.; Cheong, K. K.; Chang, C. C.; Lee, M. H.
    [管理科學學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2021-05-24 A shift in oriental family business succession mindset: an exploratory approach. Chen, Y. H.; Cheong, K. K.; Chang, C. C.; Lee, M. H.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2006-11-27 Electro-optical modulation for a boron nitride nanotube probed by first-principles calculations Chen, Chun-Wei; Lee, Ming-Hsien; Lin, Yu-Ting; Chen, Chun-Wei
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2004-12 Band gap modification of single-walled carbon nanotube and boron nitride nanotube under a transverse electric field Chen, Chun-wei; Lee, Ming-hsien; Clark, S.-J.; Chen, Chun-wei
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2004-04-30 Field penetration induced charge redistribution effects on the field emission properties of carbon nanotubes : a first-principle study Chen, Chun-Wei; Lee, Ming-hsien; Clark, S.-J.; Chen, Chun-Wei
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2004-04 Gas molecule effects on field emission properties of single-walled carbon nanotube Chen, Chun-Wei; Lee, Ming-hsien; Clark, S.-J.; Chen, Chun-Wei
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2004-05 Dependence of workfunction on the geometries of single-walled carbon nanotubes Chen, Chun-wei; Lee, Ming-hsien; Chen, Chun-wei
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2003-03 Ab initio calculations of dimensional and adsorbate effects on the workfunction of single-walled carbon nanotube Chen, Chun-wei; Lee, Ming-hsien; Chen, Chun-wei
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2004-08 Structural and electronic properties of wide band gap silicon carbon nitride materials : a first-principles study Chen, C.-W.; Lee, Ming-hsien; Chen, L.-C.; Chen, K.-H.; Chen, C.-W.
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2015-06 An Optimal Scheduling Algorithm for Maximizing Throughput in WiMAX Mesh Networks Chang, Chih-Yung; Li, Ming-Hsien; Huang, Wen-Chuan; Lee, Shih-Chieh
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2009-06-21 An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Maximizing Throughput in WiMAX Mesh Networks Chang, Chih-yung; Li, Ming-Hsien; Huang, Wen-Chuan; Chen, Cheng-Chang; 張志勇
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2010-05 On Distinguishing Relative Locations with Busy Tones for Wireless Sensor Networks Chang, Chih-Yung; Hung, Li-Ling; Lin, Chih-Yu; Li, Ming-Hsien
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2008-08 Energy-Efficient Mechanisms for Coverage Recovery in WSNs Chang, Chih-yung; Chang, Sheng-Wen; Li, Ming-Hsien; Chen, Yu-Chieh; 張志勇; 李明憲; 陳昱价
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2008-07 Dynamic Route Sharing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Chang, Chih-yung; Chang, Sheng-Wen; Li, Ming-Hsien; Chen, Yu-Chieh; 張志勇; 李明憲; 陳昱价
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2015-09 Throughput-Enhanced Relay Placement Mechanism in WiMAX 802.16j Multihop Relay Networks Chang, Chih-Yung; Chang, Chao-Tsun; Wang, Tzu-Chia; Li, Ming-Hsien; Chang, C.-Y.
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2014-02-01 A Placement Mechanism for Relay Stations in 802.16j WiMAX Networks Chang, C. Y.; Li, M. H.; Chang, Chih-Yung; Li, Ming-Hsien
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2017-04-27 DFT-Based Comparative Study about the Influence of Fluorine and Hydroxyl Anions on Opto-Electric Properties of Borate Crystals:Choice for Better Anion Beenish Bashir; Bingbing Zhang; Ming-Hsien Lee; Shilie Pan; Zhihua Yang
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