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    Items for Author "何俊麟"  

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    Showing 97 items.

    Collection Date Title Authors Bitstream
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2013-08 量子可解性及糾纏 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2011 數學物理方程之可解性 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2010 數學物理方程之可解性 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2009 量子系統可解性與穩定性之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2008 量子系統可解性與穩定性之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2007 量子系統可解性與穩定性之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2006 低維物理系統之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2006 強場對不同空間維數之費米子系統之量子效應---台俄國合計畫 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2005-08 Quasi-exact Solvability of the Dirac Equation 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2005-07 Stabilizing Quantum Metastable States in a Time-dependent Potential 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2004-06 Quasi-exact Solvability of the Equations Dirac 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2004 低維物理系統之研究 何俊麟; 江俊明
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 2000-07-17 Planar dirac electron in the coulomb and magnetic fields 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1997 Frenkel-Kontorova模型之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1996 Frenkel-Kontorova模型之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1995 Frenkel-Kontorova模型及Wilson-Line機制之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1994-03 Braid group repersentation of anyon on a torus 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1993 任意子理論及量子群與q-振子理論之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 1992-09-01 Anyons on a trous 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 1992-09-01 Braid group and operator algebra in Chern-simons 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 1992-06-01 Anyons, non-integrable phases, and braid group on a torus 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; Hosotani, Yutaka
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 1992-06-01 Non-integrable phases and symmetry breaking by Wilson Lines 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1992 任意子理論 Wilson Line 機制 NSL 模型及渾沌之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 1990-01 Dynamical symmetry breaking on compactified spacetimes 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 1990-01 Symmetry breaking by Wilson lines 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1992-09-20 Anyon equation on a torus 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; Hosotani, Yutaka
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1994-03-10 Multiple Chern-Simons fields on a torus Wesolowski, Denne; Hosotani, Yutaka; 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1994-04-07 Reply to " Comment on ' Generalized commutators and deformation of strong coupling superconductivity' by A. Solomon and Mc-Dermott" 陳惟堯; Chen, Wei-yeu; 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1995-11-20 W(infinity) and SLq(2) algebras in the landau problem and chern-simons theory on a torus 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1997-09-07 Condensation and magnetization of charged vector Boson gas Khalilov, V. R.; 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; 楊棨; Yang, Chi
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1998-03-14 Dirac electron in a coulomb field in 2+1 dimensions Khalilov, V. R.; 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1990-10-10 Constant Gauge Fields and Symmetry Breaking on Torus 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1993-05-30 Symmetry breaking by Wilson lines and finite temperature and density effects 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; Lee, C. C.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1994-03-21 Induced θ-term in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperatures 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1996-10-10 Effect of strong magnetic fields on the equilibrium of a degenerate gas of nucleons and electrons 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; Khalilov, V. R.; 楊棨; Yang, Chi
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1997-05-10 Two-dimensional gases of generalized statistics in a uniform magnetic field 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; Liao, M. J.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1990-10-10 Vector Pairing and Fluctuation-Induced Chern-Simons Term in Anyon Superconductivity 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; Hu, Bambi; Yu, H. T.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1990-12-03 Symmetry breaking by Wilson lines and finite-temperature effects 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; Hosotani, Yutaka
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1994-12 Operator algebra and braid group structure in chern-simons theory on a torus 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; Hosotani, Yutaka
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2001-12 Chemical equilibrium of a degenerate gas of nucleons and electrons in a strong magnetic field Chiang, Chun-Ming; 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; Lin, Wen-Tsann
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2008-04-01 Quasi-exactly solvable Fokker–Planck equations 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; Sasaki, Ryn
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2008-05 Scattering of spin-polarized electron in an Aharonov-Bohm potential Khalilov, V. R.; 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2008-09 Prepotential approach to exact and quasi-exact solvabilities 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2002-01 Planar dirac electron in coulomb and magnetic fields : A bethe ansatz approach. Chiang, Chun-Ming; 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1995-12 Quantum group symmetry in multiple Chern-Simons theory on a torus Ho, Choon-Lin; Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2011-01-01 Similarty solution of a class of perturbative Fokker-Planck equation Lin, Wen-Tsan; Ho, Choon-Lin; Lin, Wen-Tsan
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2013-04-01 Similarity solutions of Fokker-Planck equation with moving boundaries Ho, C.-L.; 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2000-03 Planar dirac electron in coulomb and magnetic fields Ho, Choon-Lin; Khalilov, V. R.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2001-05 Charged particles in external fields as physical examples of quasi-exactly-solvable models: A unified treatment Chiang, Chun-ming; Ho, Choon-lin; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2004-04 Quantum metastability in a class of moving potentials Lee, Chung-Chieh; Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2009-04 Shape invariance in prepotential approach to exactly solvable models Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2012-01-01 Condition for tripartite entanglement Solomon, Allan I.; Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2003 低維物理系統之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2005 低維物理系統之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2007 強場對不同空間維數之費米子系統之量子效應(台俄國合計畫) 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2008-05 A novel quasi-exactly solvable model with total transmission modes Cho, Hing-tong; Ho, Choon-lin; Cho, Hing-Tong; Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2006-12 Cosmological constant from gauge fields on extra dimensions Cho, Hing-Tong; Ho, Choon-Lin; Ng, Kin-Wang; Ng, Kin-Wang
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2011-04 Dirac(-Pauli), Fokker-Planck equations and exceptional Laguerre polynomials Ho, Choon-Lin; Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1989-12 Dynamical symmetry breaking from toroidal compactification Hetrick,James E.; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2014-10-20 Extensions of a class of similarity solutions of Fokker-Planck equation with time-dependent coefficients and fixed/moving boundaries Ho, Choon-Lin; Sasaki, Ryu
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2009-06 Fermion Pair Production in Planar Coulomb and Aharonov-Bohm Potentials Khalilov, V. R.; Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2001-01 Fractional fermion number in a (1+1)-dimensional Dirac equation with a scalar Coulomb field Ho, Choon-lin; Khalilov, V. R.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2014-11-01 Localization and recurrence of a quantum walk in a periodic potential on a line Chou, Chung-I; Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2017-07-19 Multi-qudit states generated by unitary braid quantum gates based on Temperley-Lieb algebra Ho, Choon-Lin; Deguchi, T.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2018-03-08 A Spectral Analysis of Discrete-Time Quantum Walks Related to the Birth and Death Chains Ho, Choon-Lin; Ide, Yusuke; Konno, Norio; Segawa, Etsuo; Takumi, Kentaro
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2022-01-08 Time-dependent Darboux transformation and supersymmetric hierarchy of Fokker–Planck equations Ho, Choon-lin
    [資訊工程學系暨研究所] 專書之單篇 2005-06-01 三大科技革命與時空宇宙 楊棨; 何俊麟; 周子聰; 唐建堯; 曾文哲; 郭經華; 蔡憶佳; 鄭建中; 李明憲; 吳俊弘; 曹慶堂
    [化學學系暨研究所] 專書 2002-09 三大科技革命和時空宇宙 楊棨; 何俊麟; 周子聰; 唐建堯; 曾文哲; 郭經華; 蔡憶佳; 鄭建中; 李明憲; 吳俊弘; 曹慶堂
    [物理學系暨研究所] 會議論文 1994-07-04 Braid group and operator algebra in Chern-Simons theory on a torus 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; Hosotani, Yutaka
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1989-09-01 Field theory of geometric p-branes 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1996-01-01 Quantum group symmetry in muliple chern-simons theory on a torus 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1997-09 Condensation and magnetisation of charged vector Boson gas Khalilov, V. R.; 何俊麟; Ho, Choon-lin; Yang, Chi
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2011-06-01 Prepotential approach to Quasinormal modes Ho, Choon-Lin; Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2009-05-01 Simple unified derivation and solution of Coulomb, Eckart and Rosen-Morse potentials in prepotential approach Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2011-08 Prepotential Approach to Solvable Rational Potentials and Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials Ho, Choon-Lin; Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2011-11 Properties of the Exceptional (Xl) Laguerre and Jacobi Polynomials Ho, Choon-Lin; Satoru Odake; Ryu Sasaki
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2008-06 Self-adjoint extensions of the Hamiltonian operator with symmetric potentials which are unbounded from below Cho, Hing-tong; Ho, Choon-lin; Cho, Hing-Tong; Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2012-07-04 Zeros of the exceptional Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials Ho, Choon-Lin; Ryu Sasaki
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2007-01 Quasi-exactly solvable quasinormal modes Ho, Choon-Lin; Cho, Hing-Tong; Ho, Choon-Lin; Cho, Hing-Tong
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1995-02 Spherelike solutions in surface functional theory and Dirac’s membrane model Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1999-06 Pair production of charged vector bosons in supercritical magnetic fields at finite temperatures Khalilov, V. R.; Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2000-09 Recurrent dynamical symmetry breaking and restoration by Wilson lines at finite densities on a torus Lee, Chung-Chieh; Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1990-11 Supersymmetry in the line/surface functional theory of strings and p-branes Ho, Choon-lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1991-05 Wilson line breaking and vacuum stability in Kaluza-Klein cosmology Ho, Choon-lin; Ng, K. W.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2001-01 Simple variational approach to quantum Frenkel-Kontorova model Ho, Choon-lin; Chou, Chung-I
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1997-05 Universality in Frenkel-Kontorova model with a cosh-type interaction Chou, Chung-I; Ho, Choon-lin; Hu, Bambi
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1998-03 Morse-type Frenkel-Kontorova model Chou, Chung-I.; Ho, Choon-Lin; Hu, Bambi; Lee, Hsuan
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1995-02 Operator algebra in chern-simons theory on a torus : reply Ho, Choon-lin; Hosotani, Yutaka
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1993-03 Operator algebra in chern-simons theory on a torus Ho, Choon-lin; Hosotani, Yutaka
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 2000-04 On the use of Mellin transform to a class of q-difference-differential equations Ho, Choon-Lin
    [物理學系暨研究所] 期刊論文 1991-06 Hidden local symmetry and induced topological terms Ho, Choon-lin; Hu, Bambi; Yu, H. T.
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1998 廣義量子統計及Frenkel-Kontorova模型之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 1999 Frenkel-Kontorova模型之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2000 低維物理系統之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2000 低維物理系統之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2001 低維物理系統之研究 何俊麟
    [物理學系暨研究所] 研究報告 2002 低維物理系統之研究 何俊麟

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