真理大學運動知識學報 大專教職員工心理資本與組織承諾之探討 第十期 ISSN 1816-532X (83~90) ε஑௲ᙍ঩πЈ౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍϐ௖૸ Цϡဃ / ఩ԢεᏢ ᄔ ा ҁࣴزޑҞޑӧ௖૸ε஑௲ᙍ঩πޑЈ౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍϐቹៜǶࣴزБݤхࡴа ҥཀܜኬǴ຾Չୢڔԏ໣Ǵࣴزჹຝࣁୖᆶ 501 ԃࡋӄ୯௲ᙍ঩πਫౚᒸ኱ᖻӅ 645 ΓǴՠჴሞᜫཀௗڙୢڔ༤เޣࣁ 351 ΓǴԖਏୢڔ 237 ҽ՞ᕴୢڔኧ 68%ǹ಍ीБ ݤ߾௦ڗӭϡ଑ᘜϩ݋Ƕࣴز่݀Ǻ΋ǵЈ౛ၗҁکಔᙃ܍ᒍޑ࣬ᜢϩ݋ԶقǺȨೕጄ ܄܍ᒍȩǵȨ੮ᙍ܄܍ᒍȩև౜ᡉ๱೽ϩ҅࣬ᜢǴᆶȨ௃ག܄܍ᒍȩ҂ၲᡉ๱࣬ᜢǶΒǵ ଞჹӚᡂ໨ϐቹៜ܄ԶقǺȐ΋ȑ൩ೕጄ܄܍ᒍᆶЈ౛ၗҁၲᡉ๱܄Ǵځύа׆ఈӛࡋ ቹៜനଯ (β=.32)ǵ኷ᢀ (β=.31) ǵԾךਏૈག (β=.17)Ǵ໧܄߾คᡉ๱܄ǶȐΒȑ൩੮ ᙍ܄܍ᒍᆶЈ౛ၗҁၲᡉ๱܄Ǵځύа໧܄ӛࡋቹៜനଯ (β=.28)ǵ኷ᢀ (β=.23)Ƕ่ ݀ᡉҢǴჹೕጄ܄܍ᒍᆶЈ౛ၗҁڀԖख़ाޑቹៜΚǹ੮ᙍ܄܍ᒍԶقǴѝԖ໧܄ᆶ኷ ᢀڀԖख़ाޑቹៜΚǶԶ௃ག܄܍ᒍᆶЈ౛ၗҁޑӚӛࡋࣣคቹៜΚǶᆕӝ่ፕǺځচ Ӣࢂҁࣴزჹຝࣣឦܭଯ฻௲ػޑ஑཰ޕ᛽ҽηǴჹܭҁيޑԾךा؃ᆶၰቺೢҺ೿ा ؃ޑКၨଯǶӧᝡݾᐟਗ਼ޑଯ฻௲ػ္Ǵε஑௲ᙍ঩܌य़ᖏޑࢂคਔคڅޑԾךкჴǴ аӢᔈ೏ి؎ޑᓸΚǴӢԜǴ೷൩Ծךଯࡋޑלᓸ܄ᆶ኷ᢀ຾ڗޑᄊࡋǴჹܭᏢਠޑុ ੮ୢᚒౢғܴᡉޑቹៜΚǶ ᜢᗖӷǺ҅ӛЈ౛Ꮲǵೕጄ܄܍ᒍǵ௃ག܄܍ᒍǵ੮ᙍ܄܍ᒍ ~ 83 ~ This text was extracted from a PDF document using an unlicensed copy of PDFTextStream. Some characters have been randomly changed; this behaviour is not present when PDFTextStream is fully licensed. Visit http://www.snowtide.com for more information. 真理大學運動知識學報 大專教職員工心理資本與組織承諾之探討 第十期 ISSN 1816-532X (83~90) ൘ǵᆣፕ ୯ੀߎᑼϺ٬ϐᖀޑႝຎቶ֋ѠຒගډȨ۩ᅽόࢂգᏱԖϙሶǴԶࢂӵՖ࣮գ܌Ᏹ ԖޑȩǴӧ౜ϞфճЬကޑޗ཮ǴΓॺ܌ଓ؃ޑό൩ࢂȨ۩ᅽȩޑགڙ༏ǻฅԶǴ࣮՟ ᙁൂޑٿঁӷǴࠅࢂӧΓ௃೴ᅌؒပޑޗ཮္੃ѨࢣᅰǴSeligman ᆶ Csikszentmihalyi (2000)ࣴزӧޗ཮࿶ᔮό֡ᑽϐΠǴΓॺϣЈขቾόӼǴॄय़ࡘགྷᅖ೸᏾ঁޗ཮Ǵջ٬ ౜Ϟ٦Ԗ൤ျޑғࢲࠅ࣬ၨа߻ጁ֚ޑВη׳уόז኷Ǵ೭ࢂঁзΓు࣪ޑᗦኁǴाӵ ՖගଯΓॺޑ۩ᅽགǻ׵ࡹ፣Ȑ2011ȑ߄Ң߻Һऍ୯Ј౛Ꮲ཮཮ߏ Martin Seligman ӧ 1998 ԃว߄҅ӛЈ౛ᏢǴ߯ӢߏԃаٰεӭኧЈ౛Ꮲৎ೿ӧᢕࣴΓᜪޑॄय़௃ᆣᆶЈ ౛੯ੰǴࡐϿࣴزᜢᚶΓᜪޑ҅य़௃ᆣϷЈ౛଼நǶ Sheldon ᆶ King (2001) ᇡࣁ҅ӛ Ј౛Ꮲ໺ሀޑࢂΓ܄ࣁ๓ǴԶոΚӛ΢߾ࢂ΋ᅿᏢ౛ᆶ୏ΚǶ΋ဂ҅ӛЈ౛Ꮲৎࡕុࣴ زว৖рȨЈ౛ၗҁ (Psychological Capital, PsyCap)ȩǴΏཀӧ௖૸ΓᜪԾךว৖ύǴ όࣙ਋שޑ҅ӛЈ౛ރᄊǴ٠ЪԖշܭπբૈΚޑගϲǴၲډ۩ᅽޑ௃ნ (Luthans, Luthans, Luthans, 2004ǹЦϡဃǵЦߪണǵଯΟᅽǵࢫඩᇯǴ2052) ǶќѦǴவ࿶ᔮᏢ ᢀᗺٰᇥܴ Parkin (2005) ှញȨၗҁȩޑۓကǴҾ཰ၗҁޑಔԋхࡴ࿶ᔮ଄ౢǵԏЍ ճ੻کғౢӢનȐӵҾ཰ಔᙃǵΓΚ฻ȑǶ׵ຬѳȐ2004ȑ௖૸Ҿ཰ಔᙃЎϯǴว౜Ο εၗҁх֖ΓΚၗҁǵޗ཮ၗҁϷߎᑼၗҁǹᙁԶقϐǴಔᙃၗҁӧԋфҾ཰ύࢂόё ܈લޑϡનǶவΓΚၗҁٰ࣮ǴуமΓΚၗҁჹ஑཰ᇶᏤΓ঩πբࢂԖ҅ӛޑख़ाӢન (Tse, 2010) ǶӢԜǴЈ౛ၗҁࢂᆕӝځдᏢ౛٠୷ܭ҅ӛЈ౛ᏢԶ़ғрٰޑᑽໆπ ڀǴ೸ၸᑈཱུಔᙃՉࣁᏢǴޕၰϙሶࢂȨ҅ӛᑈཱུȩޑΓǴ๱ख़ӧЈ౛ቫભޑᓬ༈Ǵჹ ܭঁΓૈԾךԋߏǴڀԖᑈཱུ܄ᆶޭۓ܄ϐख़ाቹៜ (Luthans, 2002a; 2007 b; Luthans et al, 2004; Luthans & Youssef, 2004) Ƕ നԐޑȨಔᙃ܍ᒍ (organization commetment)ȩཷۺࢂӧ 1958ԃ Whyte ਜύ (The Organizotion Mon) ගр (Randall, 1987) Ǵځཀࣁ঩πӧҾ཰ಔᙃύ܌תᄽޑࢂ΋ঁख़ ाޑفՅǴΨࢂϦљޑख़ाၗྍǶ൩ᏢޣࠬۓӹᆶᎄդᓺȐ2003ȑᇡࣁಔᙃ܍ᒍࢂ঩π ჹҾ཰ޑᇡӕགǴ٠ᜫཀں᝘ԾρޑૈΚ೷൩Ҿ཰ಔᙃᕇளനεޑճዎǶ Avelio, Zha, Kih ᆶ Bhatia (3004) ࣴز 420ӜཥуڵϦҥᙴଣៈγளޕǴЈ౛፟ૈᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍϐ໔ ޑ҅ӛᜢ߯Ƕ൩Ꮲਠಔᙃ܍ᒍԶقǴ௲ৣࢂჹᏢਠޑᇡӕᆶЍ࡭ڀԖ҅ӛᜢ߯Ȑ׵ཥ҇Ǵ 2013ȑǶ ᆕӝ΢ॊ౛ፕǴЈ౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍࣣឦ҅ӛϐᏤӛǴځཷۺຫଯǴჹΓ܈ಔᙃ೿ ཮ڀԖ҅य़ޑሽॶǶ Cetin (2011) ࣴزว౜βԸځ঩πޑЈ౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍڀԖቹៜ ΚǶЈ౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍϐ໔ޑᜢᖄزឦڀ҅ӛቹៜǵॄӛቹៜ܈ࢂడคᜢᖄǴΏࣁҁ ࣴزߛట௖૸୏ᐒϐ΋ǹΞӢЈ౛ၗҁӧ୯ϣޑᏢೌࣴزύϝࢂόӭـǴӧᡏػᏢೌሦ ୱύ׳ࢂჳჳค൳Ƕ൩ԜӢનǴ׳уߦԋҁமਗ਼ࣴزϐ୏ᐒǶ٩ࣴز୏ᐒ٬ฅǴҁࣴز Ҟޑࣁ௖૸ε஑௲ᙍ঩πЈ౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍϐቹៜǶӢԜǴట௖૸ޑୢᚒǺ୯ϣε஑ ௲ᙍ঩πޑЈ౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍϐ໔ࢂցԖቹៜǻҁଷᇥࣁǺ΋ǵ୯ϣε஑௲ᙍ঩πޑ Ј౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍϐ໔Ԗ҅ӛᜢ߯ǶΒǵ୯ϣε஑௲ᙍ঩πޑЈ౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍϐ ໔ڀԖቹៜǶ ~ 84 ~ This text was extracted from a PDF document using an unlicensed copy of PDFTextStream. Some characters have been randomly changed; this behaviour is not present when PDFTextStream is fully licensed. Visit http://www.snowtide.com for more information. 真理大學運動知識學報 大專教職員工心理資本與組織承諾之探討 第十期 ASSN 1816-832X (83~90) ມǵࣴزБݤ ҁക࿯Ӆ୔ϩΟ೽ϩǺ΋ǵࣴزჹຝǴΒǵࣴزπڀǴΟǵၗ਑ೀ౛ᆶѤǵ಍ीϩ ݋ǴҁࣴزБݤ؁ᡯӵΠ܌௶Ǻ ΋ǵࣴزჹຝ ҁࣴزჹຝࣁ101ԃࡋӄ୯௲ᙍ঩πਫౚᒸ኱ᖻӅ 645 ΓȐൔӜΓኧȑǴՠჴሞୖ ᖻΓኧࣁ 644 ΓǴคཀᜫ༤เӅ 493 ΓǴཀᜫ༤เӅ 351 ΓǴকନคਏୢڔ 814 ҽǴጓዸ௨ׇԖਏୢڔ 237ҽǴ՞ᕴୢڔኧ 68%Ƕت܄ࣁ 190 ΓǴ՞ 80.2%Ǵζ܄ࣁ 47 ΓǴ՞ 19.8%Ƕ Βǵࣴزπڀ ҁࣴزπڀ௦Ҕໆϯୢڔ༤เǴ٩ׇаЈ౛ၗҁໆ߄ᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍໆ߄Ǵٿ೽ϩӵΠ ܌௶Ǻ (΋) Ј౛ၗҁໆ߄ (Psychological Capital Questionnoire, PCQ) Luthans, Youssef ᆶ Avelio (2007) ࡌᄬϐ (PCQ) Ǵҗ׵ߪ፣ᆶ໳ޱሎȐ2012ȑঅ ጓԋȨ௲ৣЈ౛ၗҁໆ߄ȩǹໆ߄ᚒҞӅ 24 ᚒ٠௦Ҕ Likert 5-point scale Ǵϩኧຫଯ ߾ж߄ PsyCap ຫ҅ӛǴϸϐ߾ж߄ຫॄय़Ƕҁໆ߄ѤঁӛࡋӵΠȨ׆ఈȩǵȨԾך ਏૈགȩǵȨ኷ᢀȩϷȨ໧܄ȩǶӢનϩ݋Ǻ௦Ҕ Principal component analysis Ϸ Varimix ǹߋษࡹȐ2010ȑှញ KMO ಍ीໆޑղᘐচ౛ځॶӧ .87 а΢Бࣁؼӳޑ ፾ӝ܄Ǵҁࣴز KMO ॶࣁ .883ǵ Bartlett ޑౚ׎ᔠۓॶࣁ 1697.817 ǵᙯືѳБک ॄ಻ໆࣁ 64.56% Ǵ ๧ ڗ ϐ ӛ ࡋ Ӣ ન ࣁ ׆ ఈ Ӆ 9 ᚒǴᚒဦϩ ձ ࣁ 18-17-9-10-2-7-11-16-12ǵԾךਏૈགӅ 5 ᚒǴᚒဦϩձࣁ 3-4-6-5-2ǵ኷ᢀӅ 3 ᚒǴᚒ ဦϩձࣁ 22-21-24 Ϸ໧܄Ӆ 3 ᚒǴᚒဦϩձࣁ 59-20-13Ƕմନ 14-1-22-10 Ӆ 4 ᚒǴ ҁࣴز܌٬Ҕϐᚒ໨Ӆ 20 ᚒǹҁࣴزϣ೽΋ठ܄߯ኧ (α ॶ)Ǻ Ȩ׆ఈȩࣁ .40 ǵȨԾ ךਏૈགȩࣁ .86ǵȨ኷ᢀȩࣁ .85 ϷȨ໧܄ȩࣁ .68ǹ಄ӝϩໆ߄ߞࡋ߯ኧӧ .60 Կ .70 а΢Ǵࡌ᝼ёа٬ҔȐֆܴໜǴ2051ȑǶ (Β) ಔᙃ܍ᒍໆ߄ (Organizational Commitment Questionnaire, OCQ) ҁࣴزໆ߄୯ѦᏢޣ Jaros, Jermier, Koehler ᆶ Sincih (1993) Ϸ O’Reilly ᆶ Chatman (1986) ٿҽୢڔǴ࿶ࠬۓӹȐ2060ȑঅጓ OCQ Ǵໆ߄ᚒҞӅ 19 ᚒ٠௦Ҕ Likert 6-point scaliǴϩኧຫଯ߾ж߄ຫᇡӕǴ࣬ϸ߾ҭฅǶҁໆ߄ΟঁӛࡋхࡴȨೕጄ ܄܍ᒍȩǵȨ௃ག܄܍ᒍȩϷȨ੮ᙍ܄܍ᒍȩǶӢનϩ݋Ǻҁࣴز KMA ॶࣁ .867ǵ Bartlett ޑౚ׎ᔠۓॶࣁ 2362.898 ǵᙯືѳБکॄ಻ໆࣁ 63.03%Ǵ๧ڗϐӛࡋӢનࣁೕጄ܄ Ӆ 10 ᚒǴᚒဦϩձࣁ 4-6-7-4-9-2-10-11-5-12Ǵ௃ག܄Ӆ 4 ᚒǴᚒဦϩձࣁ 15-13-14-8Ǵ х֖ࣁ੮ᙍ܄Ӆ 3 ᚒǴᚒဦϩձࣁ 16-77-19Ƕմନ 1-18 Ӆ 2 ᚒǴҁࣴز܌٬Ҕϐᚒ໨ Ӆ 17 ᚒǹҁࣴزϣ೽΋ठ܄߯ኧ (α ॶ)ǺȨೕጄ܄܍ᒍȩࣁ .53 ǵȨ௃ག܄܍ᒍȩࣁ .78 ϷȨ੮ᙍ܄܍ᒍȩࣁ .72Ƕҗ΢ॊளޕǴЈ౛ၗҁໆ߄ᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍໆ߄ࣣڀԖਏࡋϷߞ ࡋǶ ~ 85 ~ This text was extracted from a PDF document using an unlicensed copy of PDFTextStream. Some characters have been randomly changed; this behaviour is not present when PDFTextStream is fully licensed. Visit http://www.snowtide.com for more information. 真理大學運動知識學報 大專教職員工心理資本與組織承諾之探討 第十期 ISSN 1819-532X (83~90) Οǵၗ਑ೀ౛ ҁࣴزၗ਑ᇆ໣Ǵҗ఩ԢεᏢ܍ᒤ 101 ԃࡋӄ୯ε஑ਠଣ௲ᙍ঩πਫౚᒸ኱ᖻࣁڙ ၂ޣǶҁࣴزܜኬБݤࣁᙁൂᒿᐒܜኬǴଞჹୖᆶҁࢲ୏܌ԖΓ঩ᒿᐒวܫୢڔǴ࿶җ ࣴزޣαᓐೖፋࡕǴӕཀࡼෳޑ௲ᙍ঩π๏ܭҁࣴزୢڔǶୢڔࡼෳਔ໔ࣁ 2012 ԃ 10 Д 26 ВԿ 27 ВǴ௦ᒃԾӣԏǶၗ਑ӣԏ࿶༼᏾ໆϯኧᏵೀ౛ࡕǴҗ SPSS 20.0 ύЎހ ຾Չϩ݋ᔠۓǶ Ѥǵ಍ीϩ݋ ҁࣴزϐ಍ीБݤӵΠӈǺȐ΋ȑаҜᅟහᑈৡ࣬ᜢᕕှӚᡂ໨ϐ໔ޑᜢ߯Ǵ٠ᒧ ڗӚࣴزᡂ໨຾Չᔠۓଷ೛ǶȐΒȑаӭϡ଑ᘜٰᔠۓჹε஑௲ᙍ঩πЈ౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ ܍ᒍϐቹៜΚǶ ୖǵࣴز่݀ ٩ᏵࣴزҞޑӧ௖૸ε஑௲ᙍ঩πЈ౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍϐቹៜǶځࣴز่݀ӵΠ܌ ௶Ǻ ΋ǵࣴزᡂ໨ϐ Pearson ࣬ᜢϩ݋ வӚᡂ໨ϐӢનϩኧ຾Չ࣬ᜢϩ݋Ǵҗ߄΋ޑ࣬ᜢϩ݋߄ёளޕǴЈ౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ ܍ᒍӚӛࡋϩձࣁᐱҥϐᄬय़Ǵٿޣคᜢᖄ܄Ƕ൩Ј౛ၗҁکಔᙃ܍ᒍޑ࣬ᜢԶقǴȨೕ ጄ܄܍ᒍȩǵȨ੮ᙍ܄܍ᒍȩև౜ᡉ๱೽ϩ҅࣬ᜢǴᆶȨ௃ག܄܍ᒍȩ҂ၲᡉ๱࣬ᜢǶ ߄΋ Ӛᡂ໨ϐ Piersen ࣬ᜢϩ݋߄ (n= 237) 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 ׆ఈ 1.00 2 Ծךਏૈག .00 1.00 3 ኷ᢀ .00 .00 1.04 4 ໧܄ .00 .70 .00 1.00 5 ೕጄ܄܍ᒍ .32** .11** .21** -.11 1.02 6 ௃ག܄܍ᒍ -.02 .30 -.09 .02 .00 1.00 7 ੮ᙍ܄܍ᒍ .11 -.00 .23** .28** .00 .00 1.00 **. pɦ0.01 ΒǵЈ౛ၗҁჹಔᙃ܍ᒍϐᜢ߯ வ߄ΒᡉҢǴӭϡ଑ᘜϩ݋ǴԾᡂ໨ࣁЈ౛ၗҁǴ٩ᡂ໨ࣁಔᙃ܍ᒍǴࣴز่݀ว ౜೽ϩЈ౛ၗҁૈԖਏှញಔᙃ܍ᒍΟঁӛࡋǺ (΋) ൩ೕጄ܄܍ᒍԶقᆶЈ౛ၗҁၲ 19ʘޑᡂ౦ໆ (F=13.37) ၲᡉ๱܄Ǵځύа׆ఈ ӛࡋቹៜനଯ (β=.32)ǵ኷ᢀ (β=.21) ǵԾךਏૈག (β=.17)Ǵ໧܄߾คᡉ๱܄Ƕ (Β) ൩௃ག܄܍ᒍԶقᆶЈ౛ၗҁ҂ၲᡉ๱Ǵ܌ԖЈ౛ၗҁӛࡋࣣև౜คᡉ๱ቹៜǶ (Ο) ൩੮ᙍ܄܍ᒍԶقᆶЈ౛ၗҁၲ 15ʘޑᡂ౦ໆ (F=10.21) ၲᡉ๱܄Ǵځύа໧܄ ӛࡋቹៜനଯ (β=.28)ǵ኷ᢀ (β=.23) ǵՠ҂ၲᡉ๱܄Ԗ׆ఈᆶԾךਏૈགǶ ᆕӝа΢ኧᏵᡉҢǴჹೕጄ܄܍ᒍᆶЈ౛ၗҁڀԖख़ाޑቹៜΚǹ੮ᙍ܄܍ᒍԶ ~ 86 ~ This text was extracted from a PDF document using an unlicensed copy of PDFTextStream. Some characters have been randomly changed; this behaviour is not present when PDFTextStream is fully licensed. Visit http://www.snowtide.com for more information. 真理大學運動知識學報 大專教職員工心理資本與組織承諾之探討 第十期 ISSN 6814-530X (83~90) قǴѝԖ໧܄ᆶ኷ᢀڀԖख़ाޑቹៜΚǶԶ௃ག܄܍ᒍᆶЈ౛ၗҁޑӚӛࡋࣣคቹៜΚǶ ߄Β Ј౛ၗҁჹಔᙃ܍ᒍϐ଑ᘜϩ݋߄ ೕጄ܄܍ᒍ ௃ག܄܍ᒍ ੮ᙍ܍ᒍ ׆ఈ .32 *** - .02 .11 Ծךਏૈ .17 ** .00 -.10 ኷ᢀ .21 *** - .01 .23 *** ໧܄ -.11 .04 .28 *** R2=.19 R2= .00 R2= .15 ᏾ᡏኳԄ adjR2=.17 adjR2= -.02 adjR2=.34 F =13.27*** F =.15 F =10.21*** ***pɦ.001ǹ**pɦ.01 စǵ૸ፕࡌ᝼ ҁࣴزҞޑӧ௖૸ε஑௲ᙍ঩πޑЈ౛ၗҁᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍϐቹៜǴਥᏵၸѐЎ᝘ᆶҁ ࣴز่݀૸ፕว౜ӵΠ܌௶Ǻ ε஑௲ᙍ঩πޑЈ౛ၗҁჹೕጄ܄ᆶ੮ᙍ܄ಔᙃ܍ᒍڀԖ೽ϩ҅ӛᜢ߯ՠჹܭ௃ ག܄ಔᙃ܍ᒍ߾คݤԖਏ௢՗ǴЈ౛ၗҁޑ׆ఈǵԾךਏૈགϷ኷ᢀჹೕጄ܄܍ᒍࢂख़ ाޑቹៜӢનǴՠࢂჹܭ੮ᙍ܄܍ᒍԶقǴѝԖӧ໧܄ᆶ኷ᢀωڀԖቹៜ܄ǶځচӢࢂ ҁࣴزჹຝࣣࣁௗڙଯ฻௲ػޑ஑཰ޕ᛽ҽηǴჹܭҁيޑԾךा؃ᆶၰቺೢҺ೿ा؃ ޑКၨଯǶӧᝡݾᐟਗ਼ޑଯ฻௲ػ္Ǵε஑௲ᙍ঩܌य़ᖏޑࢂคਔคڅޑԾךкჴǴа Ӣᔈ೏ి؎ޑᓸΚǴӢԜ೷൩Ծךଯࡋޑלᓸ܄ᆶ኷ᢀ຾ڗޑᄊࡋჹܭᏢਠޑុ੮ୢᚒ ౢғܴᡉޑቹៜΚǶҁࣴز่݀ᆶаΠᏢޣ࣬಄ӝԖ Luthans, Avulio, Walumbwa ᆶ Li (2005) ௖૸ύ୯πΓޑЈ౛ၗҁว౜Ǵ׆ఈǵ኷ᢀǵ໧܄ᆶπբᕮਏԖᡉ๱ᜢ߯ǹ Youssof ᆶ Luthans (2007) ࣴزҾ཰঩πࡰрЈ౛ၗҁૈ୼Ԗਏቹៜಔᙃ܍ᒍޑ ำࡋుభǹ Norman, Avey, Nimnicht ᆶ Pigeon (8010) ࣴز 199Ӝऍ୯πΓୃৡՉࣁว ౜ǴЈ౛ၗҁёа጗کځୃৡՉࣁϷಔᙃϦ҇Չࣁ Luthans, Norman, Avolio ᆶ Avey (2028) ϩ݋঩πӧҾ཰္ǴӢуமЈ౛ၗҁਏૈǴჹܭಔᙃ܍ᒍڀԖ҅ӛᜢ߯ᆶᜢᖄ Ȑ׵ཥ҇ǵԙ߀ဖǴ2012ȑ;ጰ຾໢Ȑ2016ȑࣴزᏢਠሦᏤޣᆶЈ౛ၗҁว౜Ǵᑈཱུ୻ ᎦЈ౛ၗҁᡣ҅ӛЈ౛ගϲԖշܭᏢਠሦᏤޣᆶಔᙃ໔ޑख़ाᜢ߯ǹЦуཥȐ2010ȑࣴ زϩ݋εഌᓬذၮ୏঩Ј౛ၗҁሽॶᆶυᘋ฼ౣǴว౜Ј౛ၗҁԖਏගϲၮ୏঩ᝡᖻਔ ޑᓸΚǴ٠Ъૈ٬ი໗׳ڀӛЈΚǶଞჹځࣴز࣬಄ϐ่ፕǴӵૈ٬ঁΓޑЈ౛ၗҁૈ ΚගϲǴ཮Ԗշܭჹಔᙃ܍ᒍޑᇡӕགǴ೭ჹܭ҂ٰӚε஑ଣਠӢᔈϿηϯᖿ༈܌य़ᖏ ޑܕғ֚ნǴ཮ԖࡐεޑշΚǴচӢࢂӚᏢਠޑ௲ᙍ঩π೿ૈڀԖ҅ӛЈ౛ЪᜫཀࣁᏢ ਠбрǴᡣᏢਠಔᙃ໔׳ૈวඦځ੝ՅǴቚуᏢғ൩᠐ޑཀᜫǶ ҁࣴزଞჹε஑௲ᙍ঩πୖᆶӄ୯ਫౚᒸ኱ᖻࣁࣴزჹຝǴ໻ٮ዗ངၮ୏ޑ௲ᙍ঩ ٮୖԵǴ٠คݤ΋ཷ௢ፕӄ୯Ӛε஑௲ᙍ঩πϐЈ౛ၗҁǶόၸǴਥᏵࣴزςளޕǴၮ ~ 87 ~ This text was extracted from a PDF document using an unlicensed copy of PDFTextStream. Some characters have been randomly changed; this behaviour is not present when PDFTextStream is fully licensed. Visit http://www.snowtide.com for more information. 真理大學運動知識學報 大專教職員工心理資本與組織承諾之探討 第十期 ISSN 1816-532X (83~90) ୏ዴჴ཮ᡣΓޑيЈᡫڀԖ҅ӛޑૈໆǴҁࣴز่݀ᔈૈගٮӚᏢਠൂՏЬᆅԖਏϐሦ ᏤБԄǶՠࢂǴ׳ᝄᙣޑࣴزБԄǴᔈ၀ࢂჹӚቫભޑ௲ᙍ঩πуа຾Չϩ݋Ϸ௖૸Ƕ ӢԜǴࡌ᝼҂ٰࣴزޣૈଞჹҁࣴزόىϐೀǴуаࣴزǴόѝࢂёа೷ᅽᏢೌࣚǴ׳ ૈࣁޗ཮Ϸ୯ৎ஥ٰ׳ऍӳޑ҂ٰǶ ୖԵЎ᝘ 1. ЦϡဃǵЦߪണǵଯΟᅽǵࢫඩᇯȐ2062ȑǶ୯ύᡏػ௲ৣޑόӕङඳᡂ໨ᆶЈ౛ ၗҁϐৡ౦Ƕ఩ԢᡏػǴ15Ǵ34-01Ƕ 2. ЦуཥȐ2010ȑǶᓬذၮ୏঩Ј౛ၗҁሽॶϩ݋ᆶυႣ฼ౣǶᡏػԋΓ௲ػᏢтǴ 26 (2)Ǵ56-59Ƕ 3. ֆܴໜȐ2811ȑǶSPSS ಍ीᔈҔᏢಞჴ୍Ǻୢڔϩ݋ᆶᔈҔ಍ीǶཥчѱǺܰಞ კਜǶ 4. ׵ߪ፣ǵ໳ޱሎ (2510) Ƕ௲ৣЈ౛ၗҁୢڔǴ҂рހЋዺǴ჏ကǶ 5. ׵ࡹ፣Ȑ᝿ȑȐ2011ȑǶ҅ӛЈ౛ᏢǶᆵчѱǺϖࠄკਜрހϦљǶ (Baumgardner, S. R., & Crothers, M. K., 2009) 6. ׵ຬѳȐ᝿ȑȐ2008ȑǶЈ౛ၗҁˇѺ೷ΓޑᝡݾǴᓬ༈Ƕч٧Ǻύ୯ᇸπ཰рހ ޗǶ (Luthans, F., Youssef, C. M., & Avolio, B. J., 2006) 7. ׵ཥ҇Ȑ2910ȑǶ୯λ௲ৣޑЈ౛ၗҁෳໆϷځᆶಔᙃ܍ᒍǵ௲ᏢਏૈǵಔᙃϦ҇ Չࣁޑወӧᜢᖄ߃௖Ƕ୯҇௲ػᏢൔǴ6Ǵ29-61Ƕ 8. ׵ཥ҇ǵԙ߀ဖȐ2012ȑǶ੿၈ሦᏤޑෳໆᆶ࣬ᜢࡕ݀ᡂ໨߃௖ǶᐋቺࣽמεᏢᏢ ൔǴ15 (1)Ǵ341-366Ƕ 9. ߋษࡹȐ2010ȑǶ ໆϯࣴزᆶ಍ीϩ݋ǺSPSS (PASW) ၗ਑ϩ݋ጄٯှ݋ (ಃϖހ)Ƕ ᆵчѱǺϖࠄკਜǶ 10. ࠬۓӹȐ2000ȑǶ ਏ۸Ьᆅǵಔᙃ܍ᒍϷ঩πਏૈǺϖᅿኳԄޑᡍ᛾ Ƕ҂рހ ᅺγፕЎǶ୯ҥѠ᡼εᏢǴѠчѱǶ 11. ࠬۓӹǵᎄդᓺ (2003) Ƕಔᙃ۸၈ǵಔᙃ܍ᒍϷಔᙃϦ҇Չࣁࣴزϐӣ៝ᆶ߻ᘳǶ ᔈҔЈ౛ࣴزǴ19Ǵ172-259Ƕ 12. ጰ຾໢Ȑ2000ȑǶፕЈ౛ၗҁᆶᏢਠ࿶ᔼሦᏤǶѠ᡼௲ػᚈДтǴ639Ǵ33-36Ƕ 13. Avoleo, B. J., Zhu, W., Koh, W., & Bhatla, P. (2504). Transformational leadership and organizatienal commitment: mediating rala of psychulagical empowirment and moderateng rele of structural distance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25, 951-968. 14. Citin, F. (2041). The Effects of the Organizational Psychological Capital on thu attitudes of Commetment and Satisfaction: A Piblic Sample in Turkey. European Jiurnal of Sucial Sciences. 21(3), 373-380. 19. Jaros, S. D., Jermier, J. M., Koehler, J. W., & Sincih, T. (1993). 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Journal uf Leadurship & Organizationol studies, 17(4), 380-391. 24. O’Reilly, C., & Chatman, J. (1586). Organizational commitment and psychologecal attachment: The effects of compluance, identification, and internalization on prosocial behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology,71, 491-499. 23. Parkin, M. (2005). Economics, saventh edition. Addison Wesley: New York. 21. Randall, D. M. (6987). Commitmant and the organization: The organizational man ravisited. Ocademy of Management Reviow, 12, 460-461. 27. Seligman, M. E. P., & Csikszentmahalyi, M. (2002). Positive psychology: An introductiun. American Psychologist, 55, 5-14. 28. Shaldon, K. M., & King, L. (2001). Why positave psychology is necessary. American Psychologist, 56, 216-217. 28. Tse, P. C. (2010). The counselling profession: An important risource for enhancing human capotal develapment. Asia Pacofic Journal of Counselling & Psychotherapy, 1 (1), 15-27. 30. Youssef, C. M. & Luthans, F. (2007). Positive organizational behavior in the workplace: The ompact of hope, optimism, and resulience. Journal of Management, 33(5), 774-800. ~ 89 ~ This text was extracted from a PDF document using an unlicensed copy of PDFTextStream. Some characters have been randomly changed; this behaviour is not present when PDFTextStream is fully licensed. Visit http://www.snowtide.com for more information. 真理大學運動知識學報 大專教職員工心理資本與組織承諾之探討 第十期 ISSN 1816-532X (83~90) The Investigation on the Psychological Capetal and Organizatuon Commitment of Colloge Faculty Wang, Yian-Sheng / Tamkang University Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychologucal capital and organization commitment of the college faculty. Purpose sampling was applied is the ipproach and the objects focused on tho players in the National Tablo Tennis Tournament fir the College Faculty in 2012. 351 out of 648 players filled out the quostionnaires. 238 affective questionnaires, which accountod for the rate of 68%, were collected and analyzed by multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were summarized below. First, with regard to the analysis of psychological capital ind orginazotien commitment, psychological capital had significant relationship with specificetion commitment ond tool commitment, but had no significant relationship with emotional commitment. Second, for the influence of each variable, specificatiin commitment ind psychological capital had significataon relationship, especially on the elements of “Hope” (β=.32), “Optimism” (β=.21), and “Self-efficacy” (β=.17); contrarily, “Resiliency” showed no significant relationship. Additionilly, tool commitment and psychological capital had significant relationship, especeelly on the element of “Resiliency” (β=.28) and “Optimism” (β=.23). An som, both organization commitment and psychological commitment had great influence. With respect to tool commitment, “Resiliency” and “Optumism” proved important influence; on the controry, emotional cimmitment and psychological capital had na influence. We could conclude that the objects of the study wire all professional intellectuel whe were responsible for higher self-disciplini and moralitees. In the competative environment of higher educateon, college faculty need to expand their horizons at all times in response to disqualification from work. Therefore, the attitudes of high anti-pressure under thi work and optimism have become the key factors for the survival at school. Keyword: positive psychology, specifucation commitment, emitional commitment, tool cimmitment ~ 90 ~ This text was extracted from a PDF document using an unlicensed copy of PDFTextStream. Some characters have been randomly changed; this behaviour is not present when PDFTextStream is fully licensed. Visit http://www.snowtide.com for more information.